Chapter Thirty-Four

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Four years later.

Authors pov.

Nobody has heard from Blair in a while,the boys haven't been to the studio. Everyone's just focusing on their family's. Andy and hannah are married with a baby boy,mikey and Lilly are expecting but aren't married yet,Jack and mackenzie are married but aren't having kids yet,Rye and sophie have three children,Reece and savannah are now six years old and starting school and finally Brook and kaitlyn have two children and causa is almost five. They lost a lot of fans but some have stuck around. They're all still extremely close and don't want to ever part,they're stronger than they've ever been. There's just one thing they want now and thats to talk to Blair,it's been nearly five years since they last did. Once he moved out that was it,no contact.

Brooks pov.

"causa come say bye to sav and Reece"I shout to her as savannah and Reece are going to school.

"bye bye"she hugs them both.

"bye causa"they hug her back then leave for school.

They always hang out everyday and they're like best friends but they have to go to school now so they can't,I suppose they can hang out on the weekends and after school still.

"hey Brook"kaitlyns only just got out of bed.

"morning"I pick causa up and kiss her.

We have pancakes for breakfast then get ready for the day. We're going to the flat,yes we do still own the flat, Don't ask why but we do. We go there when we want to meet up together.

I drive us to the flat,Andy said he wanted to meet us there but we don't know why. When we arrive everyone else is here already,I get causa out the car and kaitlyn gets olly out. She runs upto the flat as I carry olly and hold kaitlyns hand.

"hey guys"I smile when I walk in.

"hi"they all greet us,causa has run upto mackenzie so she sits on her lap.

We all chat for a while until it gets serious.

Ryes pov.

"guys,I need to talk to all the boys. But you can stay"Andy says.

"go on Andy"I
gestures for him to carry on.

"I think we should talk to Blair..."

"I agree"

"I'll give him a ring"

Calling Blair

"hey Andy,how's it going?"

"good,the other boys are here"

"hey boys"he sounds tense.

"hi Blair"

"Blair,can you come to the flat?"

"sure,I'll be there soon"he hangs up.

We all talk about it for a while.

"guys I'm gonna need to dash,gotta pick sav and Reece up from school"

"ok Rye"I give sophie a kiss then pick up my keys to leave.

I open the door and stood there is Blair,what do I do? Greet him? Ignore him? Tell him where I'm going?

"hey Blair"I smile walking past him.

"Rye,where you going?"

"to pick my children up from school"

I leave and drive to their school,I see them playing with other children. It makes me really happy to see them like this,having fun with other children their age.

"daddy"they say bye to their friends and run over to me.

"hey"I hug them then carry their bags for them as we walk to the car.

"we're going to the flat"I tell them.

"okay"they carry on talking to each other and telling me all about school.

*arriving at the flat*

"I'm here"sav and Reece run to their mum.

"hey darlings"she pulls them onto her lap and they tell her and everyone else all about school.

"hey Blair,again"I laugh.

"hi Rye"he smiles at sav and Reece.

"so Blair,let's talk"

"about what"

"about the band,you never fired us or anything. You just left us and didn't contact us"

"I thought you were just going to split up on your own"

"no,we're still kinda a band. We just can't do anything without you"

"well,I'm not a manager anymore"


"I lost you,Harvey,Loren and zach so I decided I didn't want to anymore"

"well okay then,is that roadtrip over?"jack asks.

"I think it is"I get emotional.

"I'll see you later boys,ginger what's me home"

"bye Blair"we all hug then blair leaves.

We just sit in silence for a while thinking,roadtrips over. I don't want it to be over but there's noting I can do. We got to fifteen million subscribes and still get money from it as people still watch our covers and songs.

Safe//Rye Beaumont Where stories live. Discover now