Chapter four.

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Couple weeks in the future.
So today is gonna be a super chill day. The boys might be coming over but they have a couple of covers to film which is understandable. Recently me and Rye have got really really close but neither of us have the nerve to tell one another how we feel. Kaitlyn and Brook are also super close but I feel like knowing them when they're ready they won't be afraid to tell eachother.
Were all going home for a couple of weeks soon and since I've never had a great relationship with any of my family,Rye said I could go with him to his house. I've always considered kaitlyn and her family as mine.

"kaitlyn"I shout.


"can you make me an orange juice please?"

"of course"

I walk down behind her and sit on the sofa while she makes it. I have no idea what we are gonna do today because I can't really do much. It really sucks having this thing on my foot. I hate it!
Lately all I've really done is stay in the house and I hate being stuck in the house.

"why don't we just have a chill day? Watch some movies"

"sure"I say with an unimpressed tone.

"well you can't do much can you!"

"I know and it sucks"

"I know it does but it's only for a few more weeks"

"I get it off the day before we go home"


We get some breakfast then we watch some movies together eating popcorn and just having some best friend time. Kaitlyn ends up falling asleep and shortly after I fall asleep as well.

I wake up with Rye there and nobody else so I wondered where kaitlyn and gone. He saw I was awake and smiled at me so I smiled back and sit up.

"hi gorgeous"what did he call me?

"hey Rye,wheres kaitlyn"

"they all went out so I said I would wait for you to wake up"

"oh ok"

"come cuddle?"ryes never asked me to cuddled but I did anyway.

We cuddle for a while until he gets a call from Blair so he went outside to answer it. I sat there waiting for him to come back. I was confused because of how Rye was treating me,as if we were a couple which I knew we weren't.

He came back with an angry expression also a hurt and distraught look in his eyes. I walked over to try and help him but he just pushed me away. I was extremely confused.

"what's up Rye?"


"what did I do?"

"I got fired because I was dating you"


"I can't date you if I loose my job"

"what a great boyfriend you are then?"I was just going along with the fact of us dating because honestly I wouldn't mind it.

"I WAS a great boyfriend"

"I thought you loved me"I attempt to slap him but he catches my wrist and twists my arm.

He pushes me to the ground and starts to beat me so hard I'm bleeding,crying and screaming but nobody hearing so I decide to give in and let him beat me. (I know Rye would never do that).

Once he finished beating me he looks down at me and scoffs walking out the house. I lay there in pain crying and trying to scream but no sound coming out. I knew then that I'd lost Rye forever and I was sad about it because I loved him lots. It felt like hours I was laid there but I knew it was only a few minutes.

"Sophie!"some shouts but I was too weak to look who it was.

"Sophie!"it sounded like rye but it couldn't be.

"Sophie!"they were shaking me frantically.

"wake up"I wasn't asleep. Was I dead?

"please! Sophie you're ok"they sounded upset.

"Sophie! Please wake up,you're having a nightmare"but I wasn't  asleep.

"please! Wake up!!"they kissed my cheek softly and it felt nice...very nice.

"Rye?"I was asleep,I was confused.

"you're awake"he hugs me then I remember.

"get off me!"I hobble to the other side of the room,I could feel the warm tears on my cheeks.

"what's wrong?"


"what did I do? Was that what you were having a nightmare about?"I just nodded.

"talk to me,please!"

I decide to tell him everything even the fact we were together. He just sat there next to me listening carefully to every word. This is the Rye I know and love. He put his arm around me and I don't flinch away this time Instead I scoot closer to him.

"you know I would never do that"

"it felt so real though"

"but it wasn't"

"I know that now"

"but you do know that I would never do that,right?"

"I know"he pulls me even closer so I was pretty much sat on his knee.

"your too special to ever hurt"I smile at him and he smiles back.

"thank you"I hug him tightly.

I pull back and look at him. He looks into my eyes then looks down to my lips and does that again until he decides to pull me into a kiss. He puts his finger under my chin and brings my head towards him leaving a soft kiss on my lips. Then he gives a little more of a passionate kiss,I smile into the kiss and so does he. I put my arms around his neck and his loosely around my waist. I was sat straddling him,he sat against the wall. I pulled away and hugged him,we sat like that for a good ten minutes just enjoying each others presents. I pull back and he looks sad that I moved away.

"come back and hug me"I get up and go to the kitchen. Im not supposed to walk on my ankle but I do cos ya know I'm a rebel.

I make Rye a tea and my self a glass of juice. I take them through and see Rye sat on the sofa on his phone. I give him his tea,he thanks me and pecks my lips which makes me smile.
We sit together on the sofa watching films for the rest of the night,we also have a McDonald's. Kaitlyn never came home so I guessed she was out with the boys because the part of my nightmare that kaitlyn had gone out with them and Rye waited for me to wake up is true apparently.



"promise me you'll never leave me"

"I promise we will be best friends forever and I will protect you for life"
I peck his lips smiling,not long later we fall asleep hugging.

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