Chapter fourteen

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Sophies pov.

10:40 I wake up still very tired,I got no sleep last night. I couldn't stop thinking about Rye after kaitlyn told me to go talk to him. I want to but I'm scared about what he's hiding from me,I know he said he's not breaking up with me or cheating and I really hope that's true but I'm still scared.

"kaitlyn"I knock on her door to see her sat on her bed doing work.

"what's up?"she pats the bed next to me.

"I'm scared..."


"to talk to Rye"

"trust me,hes not going to break up with you. Please talk to him"

"what if he is? I've never been in a relationship where I've felt this much love"

"exactly,you love him and he loves you. Please I'm begging you to talk to him"

"ok then I will"

"thank you,now go get ready and I'll drop you off"

"ok"I run off to my room.

I feel like I should dress up,I want to impress him but I have nothing to wear! I run back to kaitlyn.

"I don't know what to wear!"

"leggings and a hoody"

"no! I need to impress him!"

"no you don't! He's your boyfriend,he will love you in what ever you wear. Don't think too much into this"

"ok,leggings and a hoody...I can er do that"

"yes you can,that's the spirit"

"I can!"I shout walking to my room.

I wear a pair of black leggings,a pink oversized jumper and converse. I put minimal makeup on then prepare myself. We drive to the flat,kaitlyn drops me off then leaves. I walk to the flat door and walk in,Andy is once again stood in the kitchen but then this time Brook is annoying jack by waking him up and mikeys on his phone. Although once again Rye is sat on his bed,head down crying.

"Rye..."everyones heads shoot up.


"I'm sorry"I shed a tear.

Rye gets down grabs my hand and drags me to the kitchen.

"Andy beat it"Andy walks out with his tea.

Rye shuts the door closed and grabs my hands.

"I'm sorry Rye"

"don't be gorgeous"

"I was just scared because I've never loved anyone as much as you,I guess I didn't want to loose you"

"your not going to loose me gorgeous,I want to spend the rest of my life with you"

"I would love to as well"I laugh through my tears because I thought he was just saying that as a way to say I love you. But he wasn't.

"I'm being serious"he reaches into the cupboard and pulls out a ring box,my hands fly to my mouth.

"I really love you,I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to have a family with you and I want you to make me the happiest man alive"hes down on one knee with the box open.

"yes!"I scream,he puts the ring on my finger then hugs me tight. Then kisses me passionatly.

"is this what you were hiding from me?"I ask.

"yeah and I really wanted to tell you but I didn't have the courage"

"I understand and I'm sorry"

"it's ok gorgeous"

"yayyyyyy"everyone screams running into the kitchen.

"you all knew"

"of course we did but we couldn't tell you"

"of course,wait. Did kaitlyn know...?"

"maybe"Brook looks down.

"that's why she was bugging me to come talk to Rye"

"I had to do something and it worked"

"to be fair it did"Rye laughs.

"I love you"I kiss his lips.

"I love you too"he kisses back.

"alright get a room"

"we do but your invading it"Rye shoots back making them leave then kisses me again.

"I'll be back in a sec"I peck his lips and walk out.

I ring kaitlyn to ask her to come over. When she arrives I run down to get her,she smiles at me knowingly.

"I know you already know but Rye proposed to me!"

"I'm so happy for you!"we hug tightly.

"thank you"We head back upto the flat with huge smiles on our faces.

"heyyyy"we walk to the boy's room.

"kaitlyn!"Brook screams running to her.

"hi Brook"she giggles hugging him.

He kisses her,they go to the sofa and cuddle together. They're too cute together! I go upto ryes bunk and cuddle with him.

"omg wait"kaitlyn sits up.

"I didn't ask to se the ring"she walks up to Ryes bunk so I show her it.

"I love it!"I kiss ryes forehead.

"it's beautiful"she smiles"Rye...look after her for me will ya"she gives Rye a hug.

"I will"he pulls me closer.

"good"she goes back to sit next to Brook.

"Rye,we're gonna have to tell the roadies"

"I know and we will but we need to tell Blair first"

"ok"We lay there cuddling while watching a film.

Me and kaitlyn decided to stay over tonight. We don't do much the rest of the day/night,we hung out,got McDonalds and slept that's pretty much all we did. Me and Rye decided to just tweet about our relationship after we've told Blair and family.

Safe//Rye Beaumont Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora