Chapter Twenty-Three

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Sophies pov.

Gender scan.

"baby,baby,Rye"I shake him.


"we need to get ready for the scan!"

"what time is it?"

"10:40 but the scans not till 11:20"

"come on then"he sits up and kisses my lips.

I get out and go to my wardrobe,I pick some black skinny jeans and a fitting plain white t-shirt. Rye is going to get a shower first. I get the rest of my clothes out then get changed or try.

I try to fasten my jeans but they don't,I then try and put my t-shirt on but it hardly fits over my bump. I tear up a little then Rye comes out and sees me.

"I'm so fat"I burst into tears.

"gorgeous,your pregnant"

"they don't fit Rye!"I crumble into his arms.

"that's a good thing,it means they're growing well"

"just go without me,I can't leave the house! Everything's going wrong"

"baby,I can't go on my own"he laughs hugging me.

"oh yeah,your not the one carrying the baby"

"Im not but my amazing fiancé and soon to be mother of my amazing children is though"I smile through my tears and kiss him.

"I love you Rye"

"I love you too"he stands up and goes to my wardrobe and picks out a pair of black leggings and an oversized jumper.

"thank you"I take the clothes and get dressed.

When I'm dressed we set off to the doctors,I'm so excited to find out the genders. I really want one of each but I'll be happy with what ever. Once we arrive,we get a seat then just wait for the doctor to call us in. When he does I get even more excited than I was.

"congratulations,there is a boy and a girl"yay! Just what I wanted.


"I'm so happy"Rye comes over and kisses me.

We get our ultrasound picture then head back to the boy's flat where the rest of the boys and kaitlyn are,all the way home I can't stop looking at the ultrasound pictures. I keep my hand resting on my bump,Rye keeps one hand on the steering wheel and one on my thigh. Lately everything has got all that little bit more realistic,I'm having children and getting married to the guy I love.

When we arrive at the building I grab ryes hand and we walk upto flat where I run to kaitlyn and give her a hug,she hugs back. Ryes in the boys room saying hi to them.

"what are they then?!"

"I'll tell you all together"we walk to the boy's and I greet them.

"so,go on then"Andy gestures for us to tell them. I look at Rye and he just nods.

"we're having a boy and a girl"I smile.

"can you call the boy Brooklyn?"

"and the girl kaitlyn"the two of them ask over excited.

"no of course not"I laugh.

"how rude? My kids gonna be called Brooklyn the second"

"babe,if that's with me then keep dreaming"kaitlyn shakes her head at Brooklyn clearly not a fan of the name.

"awh"he pouts.

"I'm not giving you sympathy"she shrugs his hand off her shoulder. I just laugh.

"anyway,do you two have any names you like?"

"I'm not sure yet"


"Brooklyn"he coughs acting like he didn't say anything.

"no Brook"I laugh.


"you know"I hand the ultrasound pictures to kaitlyn.

"I'm so excited for you"

"I'm so excited too"

Me and Rye snuggle on his bunk,lately it's been getting a tad squishy in his bed. It's because of bump but I mean there's nothing I can do about it. We're moving in together soon anyway so we'll have a bigger bed,a double one. I'm super excited to move in with Rye but we'll always be over here anyway,for the boys career and just to see each other. Me and Rye watch some movies together for the rest of the day stopping at the right times for food. I fall asleep with Rye cuddling me,his head in the crook of my neck kissing it making me giggle.

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