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I sat with Gandalf and explained everything from the wraith realm, Darion, about the dark entity I had expelled from within. I didn't know why I trusted him, but I felt secure and safe... he seemed to sit still and smoke, not saying much and rarely interrupting. As I spoke of my parentage, I didn't mention that Darion was my step brother, nor that he was a son of Melkor..

I didn't want to talk about that, especially not the shadowed figure... not yet.

When I had finished I sat back and took in a deep breath.

"Is this the only time you have visited the wraith realm?" He asked after a few moments of silence.


"But you don't know how you found yourself there?"

"Yes, that's right"

"I'm afraid my dear, that this is beyond my council, tomorrow you must travel with Haldir to Lorien... the Lady Galadriel, she will be able to help you" he smiled softly then, "Best you rest, I'm sure our paths will meet again in the near future..." he trailed off, his staff hitting the ground as the wards lowered and he stood.

"Gandalf?" I stampered, "Is... that all you have to say?"

"Yes, for now, until I have my own questions answered. Sleep and rest Tulsa, you'll need it before the end." he concluded, before turning and walking into the dim light and out of sight.

I stood in the empty hall, dumbstruck by the sudden departure of the great wizard...

Looking around I felt my brow crease as I made my way down the hall toward the room I had been allocated, slipping behind the door quietly to not wake anyone, I washed and climbed into bed.

I sighed and felt my body silently thanking me, though the idea of sleep did worry me.. I didn't want to slip back into the wraith world anytime soon..



My eyes opened, though I wasn't in the city of Dale, I shielded my face from bright sunlight that poured through the open window, light silks draping down over the bed I lay upon softly flew in the wind. 

"Mother?" I felt myself speak, I realised this must have been another dream, or memory... 

A tall beautiful youthful woman held out her hand from the balcony, her smile infectious as her glowing skin. 

"Come Tulsa, come to me" she spoke as if her voice was a soft melody. 

I felt myself sit up and walk to her, grasping my hand as we stood together on the balcony. 

"Where is father?" I asked, not looking at her. 

"He is on a quest for Manwë" she sighed,

"A quest? What type of quest?" 

 "He'll be back soon, do not fret my child" she paused, looking out over Valinor, "I hope you remember this place..." she spoke as a whisper. 

Looking at her, I immediately knew something was terribly wrong. 


A knock came from the door, her grip on my wrist tightened, and for a moment her expression told me 'Don't fuss, do as you're told." 

The Forgotten Elvish Princess (Hobbit Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now