The Kings Comfort

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A/N: There is a little bit of smut in this chapter, not full blown or anything but it gets a little heated so just warning you... hehe enjoy 😉
This chapter takes a turn, but do not fret, Thranduil will return in the next chapter to deal with Thorin and what happens in this chapter.


I felt my vision invoke the white light of the memory and I found myself blinking a few times, like you do in a day dream to wake yourself up to reality.

I stood - shocked, confused and not entirely convinced whether I should believe what I had remembered.

The Dwarves still sat quietly like they were waiting for the answer to a question. I looked around the room to see their eyes still on me and for a moment I had no idea why.

"Uh, I finished my story right?" I said a little hazily, my voice failing to disguise my hurting heart.

"Yes Tulsa, you were speaking to us of the ill of battle and war, you gasped and went quiet... was there something you remembered?" Kili asked quietly.

"Oh, no, I just remembered something of the black speech here that Balin has been researching."

I lied, glancing downwards I noticed my hands trembling nervously, I closed them into fists.

"Well dinners on boys! Let's go feast!" Dwalin called and they all nodded and pushed and put back their chairs all heading out.

One stayed.

He slowly climbed the steps up to stand by my side, glancing down at the black speech, his large hands reaching out to take mine gently.

I wrenched my eyes shut as a single tear fell from the corner of my eye, as it hit the desk a small moonlit seedling grew in its place.

A Valar tear...

What I had seen was the truth.

I felt a finger lifting my chin and I shook my head in protest, turning away from it.

"Tulsa..." a deep voice spoke calmly.

I opened my eyes slightly to glance at its owner to find crystal blue irises pouring into my own.

"Tulsa...let me help you" he said a little more urgently. "What did you remember?" he squeezed my hands in assurance.

"I...can't" I managed, examining the floor once more, I couldn't speak of it.

I wouldn't.

I sniffed, quickly side stepping Thorin and moving out of the study without another word, I heard his large footsteps behind me but I didn't care I kept walking.

I could feel it, the anger growing inside me, it was dangerous for me to be around anyone like this.

"Do. Not. Stop...Me" I spoke through gritted teeth, clenching my fists as I made my way to the front entrance of Erebor.

My palms had lit up and my eyes began to sting, I picked up my pace as I felt my heart beat quicken, I needed to get out of this under ground city.

"Tulsa!" Thorin called from behind me, I heard him vaguely yell something in Khuzdul but it was drowned out by a silencing high pitched sound from my ears, they were ringing.

Many Dwarves where at the front gate and by this time I heard loud bells ringing in the distance around the halls, alarmed voices chanting and warriors running to and fro.

I took on a run and bounded down the last set of steps, I saw the gate had begun to close and growled lunging forward in a huge bound, further than I had ever jumped before.

The Forgotten Elvish Princess (Hobbit Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن