Chapter 3: First Morning

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My eyes snapped open. Breathing hard, I stared at the white celling. Clutching the blanket, I waited till the vivid images leave my mind.

This happened every morning.

Using my nearly nonexistent upper arm strength, I struggled into a sitting position and took a deep breath. It is all in the past now. It is all in the past.

Massaging my temple, I looked around at the room I would stay in for the next 3 months. Having arrived late last night with Bogum, I didn't have a chance to take in my surroundings as I was guided to my room by the actor.  I remember collapsing on the bed, dead tired. However, I do not ever remember taking off my coat or shoes off? Oh well. I must had done it in my sleep.

The room was a simple white and big enough to fit two singles in. The bed that was beside me and closest to the door was neatly made and empty. This must be where my roommate sleeps. Come to think of it, what is the time?

I wondered as I looked at the sunlight that was streaming through the wide window. Sighing, I crawled across the bed and reached in my coat pocket for my phone. Switching it on, the time, '3:30pm' appeared across the home screen. Groaning, I ran a hand through my knotty hair. I better get up.

I stumbled to my feet and sluggishly made my way to the onsuite. What caught my attention immediately was the hair curling instruments on the vanity. 

"They must be my roommates," I groggily said before taking a shower. The warm water eased my sore muscles. Looking at the expensive shampoos and other hair products lining the inner shower wall, I made a mental note to go shopping later.

After drying myself, I made my way to exit when I stopped. I can't go out in just a towel! Not with all those cameras. "Stupid, Honey. Damn right stupid." Knowing, I couldn't do anything, I prepared myself.




I ran out of the bathroom and dashed to my duffle bag. With one frim hand keeping the towel in place, and the other with the bag, I sprinted back to the bathroom and closed the door. Letting out a deep breath, I promised myself never to make that mistake again.

I quickly got dressed into my comfort clothes. This consisted of sweatpants, a white tee with a faded Garfield print on it, a cream cardigan and green socks. I did not bother with makeup. Never wore it. I liked my skin and hated the feeling of having 'coloured' mud on it. For my wet dark hair, I hastily rubbed it with a towel before letting it dry on its own.

Leaving the bedroom, I entered what looked like a small hangout space. There was a couch, TV and dartboard. There was also a large window that looked out into a massive view of the backyard. Turning around, I froze as something came zooming down the hallway to me. It was a camera.

"Woah." I gaped at the technology. This was the camera everyone got excited about, from what I remember correctly. Glancing around, I checked if the coast was clear, before dashing down the hallway, trying to outrun the camera. It would've worked if I didn't crash into something. No, someone.


"Oi, watch where you going kid. You nearly made me into a pancake and then we'd all be in trouble," The man joked in English as he held me steady. He had an American accent . I think his name started with Joo? Joos? Joon? Joon!

"Sorry. Just wanted to test out the camera. You are Joon right?"

"You speak english?! Thats cool. Yeah, the name's Joon. Joon Park from G.O.D! You know what I'm saying?" Joon in the sunglasses said, full of swag.

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