Chapter Eight ~ The Veil of a Rose

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Chapter Eight ~ The Veil of a Rose

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"I don't want to talk about it," I answered, my voice muffled and I cringed when I sniffled and my nose leaked. I wiped it swiftly with the cuff of the dress when I realized I had no handkerchief on me.

"Please, Rose," he insisted, after a moment when he realized I indeed wouldn't tell him. I didn't answer, I simply sniffled and stared back at him.

It was a cold tense silence that couldn't be cut with even the sharpest of blades. His grip on my hand did not tighten and his harsh gaze began to soften. Nikolai leaned down and pressed hit soft hot lips against my bruised wrist. He then turned to look at me with a look of immense regret and concern. I ignored his clenched fist that lay at his side.

"Alright, we'll talk about it when you're ready, okay?" Nikolai asked me, indicating that just because I didn't tell him now didn't mean I wasn't going to tell him at all. He'd get the truth out of me sooner than later. I slowly nodded my head and he gently released my hand.

"This is my fault and I pray you forgive me for my late arrival. I was held up at the castle with my duties. There is no excuse for my lack of capability, and I hope you'll be able to forgive me," Nikolai said, slowly lowering my hand. He looked at me and his eyes swarmed with regret.

I nodded once, looking away from his heavy stare.

"There's nothing to forgive. It wasn't your fault," I said in a low voice, my anger dissipating. I was annoyed with myself for acting so selfish and making him apologize when he had no control over the situation.

"You're too kind," Nikolai said, smiling softly.

He then pulled me into his warm hard chest, his brawny arms wrapped around my waist. I stilled at the action, not knowing what to do. Nikolai was hugging me. Sir Nikolai was hugging me! Good Lord!

My head was pressed against his chest, and I could hear his heart beating loudly in my ear. My left hand was pressed against his abdomen, my other bruised hand was limp to my side. My body tingled with warmth and my heart throbbed at the closeness.

He wore a white cotton shirt that smelt expensively mixed along with his own divine scent. He wore black pants along with brown boots. He wasn't dressed as a knight today, more like a noble than anything. But even the material looked like better quality than of what a noble would wear. I assume he's paid handsomely for his knighthood duties.

Nikolai held me like that for a minute or two before releasing me. His large hands rested on the side of my arms. His eyes trailed down my body and back to my wrist. His eyes narrowed at it again before shaking his head and smiling softly.

"Are you hurt anywhere else?" Nikolai asked.

I shook my head and he let out a sigh of relief.

"That's good," he said, nodding his head slightly, looking deep in thought. He then released me. "May I ask one thing?"

"Of course," I told him, my brown doe eyes locked with his own vibrant cerulean blue ones.

"Is it someone I know?" Nikolai asked, and I didn't have to ask what he was referring too. I thought about the answer for a second. Levon had addressed him as the black knight and didn't really say his name. If they were friends, then would he have treated me the way he did? I doubt it. Unless he thought I'd get in the way of Nikolai's work.

"Rose?" I heard Nikolai call out, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Well, he seemed to refer you as the black knight-" I began to say before I was cut off.

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