60 - "All of me."

Start from the beginning

For a second longer I enjoy my bubble and turn my attention back to Calum, only to be interrupted by Harry's whispers again. "It really suits you. Holding a baby."

"Yeah, yeah, my arm is cramping though," I say, standing up to walk over to Sage and give him back to her. 

Feeling a little bit lost without him and my arm lighter than it felt before I held him, I stand in the middle of the group of family and friends that are curious about me and Harry. They all want an answer, maybe even more than Harry himself, but although I'm loving every moment spent with Harry, I also feel insecure about it all. So I'm not going to give us a label in front of them. 

Quietly I sit down again and slowly everyone retreats to their conversation. Harry accepts his drink and cake from Liam who eyes me not so subtly. In my mind I thank him and he seems to accept it with a smug look on his face. Telling me he's the better person of them two.

"How does it feel to be twenty-six?" Harry wonders.

"The same as yesterday," I reply. 

"Just as good you mean?"


"Are you excited for my surprise?" 

"Yes," I whisper, turning myself to him. "Can't you give me a hint?"

"It's a good present, I'll tell you that."

"Oh, so you do have a present?" 

"Of course. You thought that because I came empty handed I don't have anything to give?" He says, speaking softer with every question I throw at him. 

"What then? What are you giving?"

"I will show it when we're alone," he answers, his face now so close that I have to fight the urge to not kiss him in front of Liam's burning eyes. 

"If it is your dick then I will be very disappointed."

"How can you be disappointed by my dick?" He questions, faking to be upset. "It's the best part of me."

"It is all you are- a dick," I joke and he gives me a devilish smile and if it wasn't for Liam interrupting us, I'd have jumped him.

"So, Harry. How is your work these days? Still as popular?" Liam asks and we both turn to look at him like a deer in headlight. Caught in the act.

"Oh, it is okay. Working my way back up, but have been able to do some great designs. Recently did something that I think you'd like," Harry answers, grabbing his phone from his jeans and turning himself away from me. 

I am happy to see that Liam is even talking to him although he's only doing it to sort of keep him away from me. Harry knows that if Liam and him don't get along it would be a stain on our relationship. Thinking of us as a couple makes me stand up quick and tend to my guests, refilling their drinks and making sure there's enough of nice things to snack. Nina helps me, and Sage joins us not much later in the kitchen to use the table to change Calum's diaper. 

"My dad is happy to see Harry again. They can't stop talking about tattoos though. I'm afraid Nick will get one."

"He should, of Calum," Tessa says, also walking in the kitchen. "Also, don't leave me alone with all the men."

"My mum is still there," Sage comments, but Tessa only rolls her eyes. 

They bicker some more about Nick's new possible tattoo while I lean against the counter and watch the people around me. It is very warm like it should in August and everyone I care about is here and made time to spent this moment with me. I almost feel like doing a toast, but I'm afraid to burst out in tears or that to embarrass myself so I simply watch them. Feeling very content when Harry walks inside bringing some dishes with him. 

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