Chapter 2

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Jacob POV*

I can't believe we found our mate.

After I met her, her every movement grabbed my attention. From how she walked to how her ponytail would swing when she made sudden turns, or how she would look the same moment I would be looking at her. I hardly knew her but my dragon was already so attached that when we noticed her talking with her boss it was a little hard to contain him. The way he talked down to her only angered us both and it didn't help catching the smell of blood as she picked up the glass that broke.

"Um thanks...Jacob." The sound of my name on her lips was quick to make me look at her. The girl nearly made my dragon take over just by saying my name.

This is crazy, I have to be cautious around her. This girl is gonna be the death of me and I don't even care.

"Jacob?" Looking up from my daze I met my twin sister's worried eyes.

"Sorry sis, have I been dazed that much?" I asked running a hand in my hair.

"Honestly yes, yes you have but that's not the point... I'm worried something might happen to Cass she just left like five minutes ago but it still makes me feel uneasy, plus it's dark out." She's right, I was kinda thinking the same thing. Even though we just met I was already so protective of her.

"Don't worry lil sis, I'll go after her." Getting my jacket, I ran out the same way I saw Cassiopeia go only to stop in my tracks seeing what looked like her and my sister's some guy at the end of the ally for a second before he jetted off into a crowd. Kinda confused on why he ran I noticed the unconscious form of Cassiopeia next to the wall.

"Cassie!" Running over to her side I gave her a quick check only seeming to find a small cut at the bass of her neck before lightly tapping her cheek trying to wake her up.

"Cass! Cassiopia wake up!" I called her not caring about the panic in my voice.

"Mmm." She turned her face a little but had yet to open her eyes as she groaned.

"Thank the moon Goddess. Come on open your eyes Cassie." After a few more taps her eyes slowly opened and after a minute of starring at me in clear confusion, panic, and anger took over as she looked around the small area of the ally we was in.


"He's gone. Are you okay, what do you remember?" I asked slowly but sternly.

"I remember... Talking to Emi, the guys, our boss, coming out here getting hit by something... then you waking me up." When she looked into my eyes it was something completely different and I couldn't even begin to describe it. Her eyes was beautiful but the only thing that started to register was the slightly dead look to her eyes that held barely any light. They were like a fire that was almost out. Her eyes looked almost dead.

"Jacob, thanks for helping me out." At the sound of her voice my ears was quick and first to toon back in as I remembered just were we still was.

"Right. Let's get you inside, you need a band aid, ice pack-"

"And for you not to let your sister find out?" The playful hopeful smile that started to show on her face brought a full smile to mine before her's fell. It was the first real smile she almost showed me all day. Of course I would tell my little twin sister but I really didn't have to tell her. I wanted to keep seeing the smile this mate of mine kept hidden behind such empty eyes.

"I wont tell her if I can get to know you a little. Maybe be friends?" I asked her and she looked at me a moment.

Baby steps Jacob. Baby steps.

The Dead QueenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon