Chapter 7

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Cassiopeia POV*


"Cassiopeia, I'm so sorry." I could hear the voice again and they sound so sad.

"Mommy's so sorry." Another sob came as I still could only see the bright full moon before feeling like I was being shaken.



Two voices continued to over lap before the dream drifted away and my eyes opened only this time there was no nerves or panic or even fear only the tingles I felt racing up and down my arm. Those sweet calming things.

"Cass wake up." The familiar voice called again as I lazily looked up.

"Jacob?" I asked before meeting his eyes that had an odd softness to them.

"Its just me, the plane is landed, time to go." His quiet voice called softly with a touch that made me want to go back to sleep.

"What your doing isn't gonna fully wake her. Hey Cass everyone is leaving, if you don't get up Jacob will carry you off the plane." Emi said next along with rustling causing me to realize. Why the heck am I leaning on this jerk of a mate?!

"Thanks but no thanks, walking is just fine with me." I said moving to stand only to fall back down landing in Jacob's arms or rather lap as our noses brushed and he chuckled slightly with a clear of his throat.

"Your legs may be slightly numb." He said endlessly looking me in the eyes as I did him unable to look away.

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked neither of them specifically.

"Nearly the whole flight so probably, mmm, three or four hours?" Emily sounded next to us as I nodded slightly.

"You have beautiful eyes." Jacob mumbled as I felt the brush of his hand on my neck before I pushed my self up and took my small bag from Emi with a mumbled thank you ignoring her smirking face making a b-line for the exit. It was weird and yet there seemed something hilarious to Emily about her twin and I.

"What's wrong Cass? Dragon got your tongue?" I glared at Emi as she walked pass me with a giggle.

"Shut it M and definitely not any time soon." I said turning my look to her twin who looked at me with a grin before laughing with a hand up.

"You can trust I wont try kissing you until your ready because I rather keep everything I was born with." He told me looking away but still held his grin.

"Don't play dragon. You may lose more than what you was born with." I told him and he nodded again avoiding my eyes. None the less his grin stayed.

"Very noted mate." He told me as I looked ahead before seeing someone wave in our direction.

"There he is." Emily said looking at her brother as Jacob put his hand in the air.

"Glad to see you both back sir but I'm afraid you wont have time to rest in your beds. The meeting starts within the next hour or so." The guy said leading us to the door before stopping once we got outside cutting their chat short to look back at me.

"Oh, I thought you was just heading the same way but this girl is with you its she? So small I hardly even noticed." The guy said as I glared at him.

"Excuse me? Mine repeating that again?" I asked moving my bags to stand on their own and taking a step closer to the guy only to be pushed back by Emily who laughed a little though it didn't sound like her funny one's.

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