Chapter 3

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Cassiopeia POV*

"Guy's can we please go home now?" Emi wined and I looked at her. Rather than getting on her mates back like he suggested she insisted on me carrying her as dark came. Looking at her I shot her a glare, I had been unwillingly carrying my best friend nearly fifteen minutes and I was long since annoyed with it.

"Emi, my best female friend. You are complaining but you are not even walking plus this was your idea to start with." I said as nice as I could but she only wined more laying her head on my shoulder nearly knocking me off my feet with the sudden force of unbalance and I glared back at her harder stopping in my tracks quickly.

"We was following you first and im your only female friend." She said putting the two roses to my cheek lightly.

"Emily, either you get off and walk or I drop you." I told her and she sighed frowning but got off none the less.

"Fine, you don't need to get sensitive. I really do want to head back to the apartment though. We can all have dinner." She was chipper but I only rolled my eyes walking into the nearby grocery store.

"You mean I cook while you sit on your butt." I mumbled and I could hear her laugh.

"You wont do it alone because Jacob is going to help you, aren't you brother?" Emi said and I glanced back at her to see him glaring at her as she hung over Luke's back smiling and I raised a eye at him as he looked at me.

"You cook?" I asked and he cleared his throat.

"I can do more than my twin. I don't have a problem with it." He said and I just sighed deeply turning back around. I couldn't understand why it was getting hard to look at him and it was really bugging me. If we lock eyes I can't look away and I see something pass in his eyes as he look's back at me.

"Thanks but I can do it my self." I told him flatly. I could hear what sounded like a growl along with the sound of someone being hit before I turned to look back at the four weird people I was calling friends and was met with a awkward smile from Max and a straight out grin from Emi. Sighing I shook my head glancing at Jacob who was looking off to his left as I noticed the tick in his jaw before rubbing my head and running a hand in my hair with another sigh.

"Is something wrong Cassiopeia?" Luke asked me and I looked at him then shook my head but stopped with a hand on the door looking down at it then rolling my eyes turning to look at Jacob.

"Hey Jacob." I called and his head snapped to my direction his look instantly changing. Looking away from him and at Emi I tapped my nail's on the door.

"Yea Cassiopeia?" He asked and I could feel my face warm slightly luckily it was getting dark out.

"I guess I could use a hand with the food... Normally I only cook for Emi and I so I guess I could use a hand making something for the five of us. Would you give me a hand?" I asked before glancing at him to see his face looking a little shocked before he rubbed his neck and gave me a smile that surprised me for some reason.

"Sure i'll help with anything you need." He said and I turned swinging the door open and stepping in the store.

"It's just food not a party." I mumbled to my self and the sound of Emi's voice hit my ears as they started to talk and followed me around the place watching me pick up thing's. Even though I had just met Jacob and he seemed odd his present's near me was a little comforting as I glanced at the people passing us with caution before I looked at the hand placed on mine. The hand of course belonged to him but I didn't dear look up at him. I didn't need to because I could feel how close he was without looking and the feel of his body heat was actually making me feel relaxed like the hand on mine that made me feel some kind of electricity.

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