The wandering Magi

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to Eliy270 who gave me same good ideas and inspired me to keep this story going.


Almost three weeks went by and I'm still at Csitephon, the capital of Parthevia. My djinn had suggested I stayed here for a while, because he thought there was something I was supposed to see or do here.

Truth be told I've been walking around for the past few days, visiting here and there, waiting for this "something" to take place, but with no luck at all.

Even though I have plenty of money, thanks to the all the gold and jewelry I acquired from the treasure room in the dungeon, I need to start doing something with my life. That's the reason why I got to the dungeon after all.

Recalling the event that drove me to this point I started thinking about my life. I was born is the capital city of the Reim Empire. There had been a plague when I was just a child and both of my parents had gotten sick. They died and I was sent to live in an orphanage. Life wasn't easy there. I was told by other children, the ones who were older and stronger than me, that I was worthless. That I would probably die as soon as I was kicked out of that place.

I don't know how old I was back then, but I remember promising myself over and over that I would get out of there and be someone important. I would show them.

When I was around 10 I ran away. I lived in the streets, stealing for food, and all I could, until one day I tried to steal from a blacksmith. The guy just kicked my butt.

I was extremely lucky.

Instead of turning me to the authorities, the man and his wife took me in. They helped me and gave me a job. The blacksmith specialized in crafting weapons. He also knew how to use them. He taught me, and there I learned how to assemble some of the weapons and how to use them.

Years later, I set off again. I traveled  around a lot. I took small jobs repeating things in different ships. I loved the sea.
Thanks to the many sailors I met, I learned about the dungeons and the kind of power that was inside of them.
One particular stormy night, while sitting in the ships cabinet, one of those sailors told me about this strange dungeon that had appeared near Parthevia not so long ago.
I  told him I was going to be the one to conquer it. Of course not only him, but all the others, including the captain, laughed in my face, saying that I was going to die and that if it was an "easy" life what I was looking for, I should just be a prostitute. I got into a fight with some of them that night.

Almost a year later I finally managed to arrive at the place where the dungeon was. And now... Here I am.
I have the money, the metal vessel, the dreams... But I have no idea what to do. I hate to admit it, but I'm lost.




Once I finish eating dinner at a modest place, which is located a few blocks away from the new place where I'm staying, I walk out of the small bar, feeling the night breeze that makes the skirt of my long dress dance around my legs.

"That dress look good on you" I hear his deep voice teasingly whispering in my mind.

Rolling my eyes, I pull up the hood of my dark green cape, covering my head and part of my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2018 ⏰

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