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"...I'll get there!!... places no man had seen before!!..

My adventure will never end!... It will go on forever!! matter what... matter what..."





I'm not sure how much time has passed since I entered the dungeon. I decided to come alone.
If I die, well, at least I died trying.

After crossing several different paths, full of different creatures: starting with a desert that later became a forest, that changed into mountains, wich melted into a sea, which suddenly froze, to finally change into an island....

By now, I don't know where to go anymore, it's seems like I'm walking in circles.

I sit on a rock, leaning on the weapon I'm holding, trying to catch my breath. My hold body hurts and I'm full of scratch and bruises. But I'm not giving up.

Stand up to continue walking when suddenly everything disappears, even the ground beneath me. I fall for what seems several minutes, until I find myself standing in front a huge door.

There is no hole for a key, just a crack in which a scimitar, one I found when I started going through the dungeon, seems to fit perfectly. When I push it in, the door opens. I walk into a large and spacious room. The place is full of treasures, and I can hear the whisper of a happy melody and laughter.

"Hello?" I yell, looking to the sides "It's anybody there?"

"I ask you..." A deep husky voices says and I yelp, jumping backwards and lifting my remaining blade with the little strength that I have left.

"In a world where humans kill each other, what is that's missing?"

"It's these a riddle or something? Why don't you show yourself" I ask the mysterious voice. After a few moments of silence, I decide I might as well answer.

Letting out a long sigh a say "A King. Or more like a Queen" I smirk to myself.

"Hum..." I hear the voice chuckle "And what shall be the limit of this King's power?"

"None" I shake my head, sternly "The world needs someone who can guide them in the right path. Someone that can show them what they cannot see for themselves" I clench my hands into fists. I can feel myself getting excited as I answer these questions.

"So when would this King be satisfied then?" The voice sounds amused this time.

"Never. And why would I? There's always something new to find. The world is full of possibilities" It's like this voice is reading my mind, asking me things I have always asked myself.

"And what if someday there is nothing new, nothing left, for this king to find?" The voice asks again.

"I'll create it. I'll never stop"

A deep laugh resonates in the room.

"Very well then..."

My eyes grow wide and I take several steps back when a giant man with blue skin, golden eyes and very long purple hair that fall down his back, appears in front of me. His body is covered with all kinds of jewelry, and he's wearing white robes than only cover him from the waist down. I would say he's very attractive if I wasn't in such a state of shock.

He grins as soon as he sees me.

"My name is Sinbad. The djinn of determination and mischief." He announces in a solemn tone.

"How will become my king?"

A New Destiny - Djinn!Sinbad x FemReader (Magi AU)Where stories live. Discover now