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Mark's POV

I woke up and yawned whilst sitting up. I looked over at the time, it was 7:02 I got out of bed, I took a quick shower trying to not look down and be reminded of who I "really" am. I hopped out of the shower, threw on my binder and put on a white hoodie with blue sleeves, and a blue hood attached to it. I put on a pair of black skinny jeans with rips throughout them. I looked in the mirror and smiled, running my hands down my now flat chest. I smiled once more before grabbing my stuff and leaving to school.

Time skip

I started to walk up the stairs and right as I reached to open the door I felt a hand grab my hoodie and I felt te concrete against the back of my head. I laid there I closed my eyes as they started to kick me. Suddenly it all stopped and I was helped up, I opened my eyes to see them. I heard yelling coming from both sides but I was too dazed, and to be honest I was kind of lost staring longingly in their eyes. They stopped yelling. They helped me walk in to the school, they let go of me and we were silent for a few minutes.
"You okay?" They asked
I nodded
"I-I'll get some ice from the office-" they started but before they could walk away I grabbed their hand and pulled them into a warm hug. I felt needy, and I thought I might be annoying them, that is until I felt them hug back, we stayed like this for a few minutes before I pulled away.
"Th-thanks" I said trying to lower my voice to sound masculine but it still sounded obviously female. She looked slightly shocked at my voice and I thought they must know I'm transgender, that I'm a fake, they must think I'm a freak. I looked away feeling as if I might cry and quietly said trying to lower my voice more "I-I'm Maria-" I started but quickly corrected myself by saying "Mark" a bit louder. They looked confused, but went on to say
"I'm Sean" I was confused for about a millisecond until I quickly realized, we're not very different. I made an understanding face, and smiled widely.

Time skip

I went through classes like a normal day, until my last period. I had this period with Sean. Before class started I found Sean at his desk. I was smiling like an idiot when I walked up to him.
"O-oh hey"
"Yeah, oh um, agh never-mind, I should just go-" I said in a quiet tone.
"Wait, what's up?" He said
"Oh, um, I uhh just wanted, well the deal is-  wanna hang out after school?"
"Hells yeah!" He answered I smiled even wider, and took the empty seat next to him.

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