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I laid just staring at the ceiling, smiling. Until my smiled faltered, and then dropped completely. Mom's gonna be pissed. I thought to myself. Screw it, I moved over laying on my side and finally slept.

Time skip

"Aghhhh" I screamed as I tried to get up from my bed.
"Natalie?!?!? Are you okay?"
"Fine mom!"
But she already opened the door and walked in.
"N-Natalie, your hair! What happened? Did you do this?!"
Shit. I thought as I looked over and saw my beanie next to me, must've fallen off in my sleep.
"Uh y-yeah m-mom" I stuttered.
"What is wrong with you? And why did you yell?"
"N-no reason, I just um slept on my arm and it kinda of hurts now."
She huffed, able to tell how obvious my lie was. She left my room and closed the door behind her. I ran to my wall mirror and threw off my shirt. I unwrapped the bandage quickly as I did I noticed huge bruises around my chest. Nothing was broken, but fuck, it hurt. I traced my finger along the faded outlines of each bruise, counting how many there are. 5 on the front, 2 on the sides, and 1 on the back. 8 total. I sighed knowing I'd have to let my chest show today.

Time skip

I pulled into the school parking lot sighing as I saw the three douchebags waiting at the front of the school. No way I'd get passed them without being noticed. I quietly got out of my car as I heard a loud "smack" come from the front of the school. I ran up there to find the boy with blur hair I saw yesterday laying on the floor clutching his face where there was a huge red mark. I ran up and helped him up.
"What the fuck is wrong with you three?" I yelled as we stood up.
"Nothing, we just wanna have fun" One said, I couldn't tell which though. But the voice didn't sound like any of theirs but it was familiar, and feminine? I understood once I saw her come out from behind the three boys. Sara.
"What the fuck Sara? You're hanging out with these douchebags now?"
"Does it fucking matter? I'm just trying to stop this little fag from bothering you, or making any other students faggots" I cringed at the words. She seemed so nice, so innocent.
"So what if he's gay, or bi, or pan, or fucking trans? Why the fuck does it matter?!" As I yelled one of the boys snatched my beanie.
"I fucking knew it! You're a fag just like this pussy!" Sara yelled one more time before I finally flipped her off and walked inside with the blue haired boy.
"You okay?"
He just nodded.
"I'll get some ice from the office-" I started but was stopped by his hand grabbing my arm and pulling me into a hug. I was shocked but got over that and hugged him back. It was warm, and comforting. I didn't want it to end but sadly it had to. He pulled away and sighed.
"Th-thanks" he quietly said in a high pitched feminine voice. I was surprised that how muscular he looked and yet he had a sweet calming voice like that. I smiled "No problem"
"I-I'm Maria-" he started before he stopped himself and said "Mark" a little bit louder. I was confused and cocked my head to the side a bit.
"I'm Sean" he looked confused for a few seconds until he made an "O" face.

Time skiiiiiiiiip

I went through the day just like yesterday, except for the fact that I tried to stay as far away from Sara as I could. I can't believe I actually trusted that bitch. That's what I get for trusting someone. Shit like that always happens to me. I used to be friends with Emmet, and Sam. But then Emmet started to date Courtney, and Sam became friends with Chris. I was just left behind, we used to be great friends, I sighed and looked up to see Mark smiling wide"
"O-oh hey..."
"Yeah, oh um, agh never-mind, I should just go-" he said in a quiet voice, obviously trying to lower his voice as well.
"Wait, what's up?"
"Oh, um, I uhh just wanted, well the deal is-" he tried to say until he finally said "Wanna hang out after school?" In a tone louder than a whisper for once.
"Hells yeah, my house then?" I smirked. He smiled wider, which I didn't think was possible and quickly nodded. He quietly sat in an empty desk next to me. We were both smiling and quietly chatting all class. By the end of just that class we already knew so much about each other, and I felt so happy to be with him.

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