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I sat up and got off my bed. I walked over to the mirror. I saw the scars, on my chest, they weren't from bad memories, those scars made everything better I ran a hand through my short blond hair. It used to be so long, but it's better now. So. Much. Better-

*beep beep beep*

I groaned as I turned off my alarm. I got out of bed, not daring to look in the mirror. I knew it was a dream, but I wish it wasn't. I quickly got dressed, I wore a red shirt, and jeans, I put my hair up in my black beanie, having my bangs hang out so it looked like my hair was cut short. But I knew it wasn't. I quickly ran downstairs trying to avoid making any eye contact with anyone. Especially my mom. I got in my car and drove off to school. I sighed, the three months of summer passed too quickly. I sighed once more before I parked into the school parking lot. I jumped out of my car and walked into school. I took off my jacket and shoved it into my locker after grabbing my books for my first class-english. I took a seat and waited for everyone else to flood into class. I dozed off for a while until I saw her, Courtney. That transphobic bitch. I glared at her and mentally flipped her off. I didn't realize how pissed off I looked until the girl next to me started talking.
"Um hey, y-you okay?" She stuttered whilst talking. I quickly tried to look less upset
"Yeah! Fine"
"O-k-kay, I-I'm S-Sara by the way"
"I'm Sean-" I started "I-I mean Natalie..." I sighed and slouched down a bit. Sara looked confused, and a bit surprised by the fact that I'm a girl, but I ignored it in my own rage. Why do I have to be such an ignorant bitch? I thought to myself. I quickly sat back up and put on a fake smile. We talked for the rest of class, we got yelled at several times from the teacher but we didn't really give a shit.

Time skip

I left the class and made my way to my locker. I put my beanie in my locker letting my hair flow down. I quickly tied it in a pony tail before making my way to 5th period. I quietly sat at my desk, early again. I was on my phone looking through snapchat and other social media, more students started to flood into the class. I quickly shoved my phone away, as I looked up I saw a boy who must've sat down next to me whilst I was looking away. He had brown hair shaved on the sides and on the top part-which was longer- his hair was a dark blue, and his skin was pale, paler than mine. I didn't realise how long I was staring at him until the teacher raised her voice at me to get my attention. I quickly whipped my head around and tried to pay attention, but I couldn't who was that guy? He's so...handsome. Fuck, no. I can't have a crush on someone, it would complicate things, and it's not even like he would like me back or anything. I glanced over at him again, he was muscular, and so handsome, but he looked depressed, sad, this must be how everyone else sees me about 70% of the time.

Time skip

I dashed out of last period and went to my locker and just as I turned around ready to leave this hell hole, they were there. My last year bullies-Sam, Chris, and Emmet.
"What the hell do you want?"
"Not much just wanted to greet you to the new year, faggot" Emmet snickered
"Fuck off" I finally said before pushing them out of my way. I made my way to my car. I leaned on the door, my forehead against the red metallic paint and metal. I opened the door and sat down, not at all prepared for the hell I was about to embrace when I got home.

Scarsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن