Chapter 3: Welcome Back

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Through a shrouded haze—

"When were you going to tell me that your moving in with Elian?"

"Go to bed, sis. You'll pass out again."

At the obvious avoidance at my question, I glare at Noah menacingly as he continues to pack his lunch into his school bag.

I'd woken up feeling more energised then I was the day before, only to be hit with a cold, harsh serving of reality as I read my text logs. I'd 'passed out' while working overtime at the cafe, wherein Alicia spent an extra hour loading me into her car before driving me home. Texts from Alicia sent my mind spiralling, comments like 'I thought you were dead!' and 'I couldn't wake you up!' a common reoccurrence.

A rustle outside in the kitchen pulled me out of my groggy stupor. I flung the covers over my body and raced out to the kitchen, where I encountered the familiar site of Noah packing his bag to leave for school.

"Don't avoid the question, Noah." I say, persistent. "Since when were you planning to move in with Elian."

"Ian and I had been talking about it for a few months." He pauses, taking in my serious expression. "But... I'd only seriously decided a week ago. I was planning on telling you this weekend."

"Noah, you can't move. Your too young. I need to take care of you. Mum won't-"

"Mum's already agreed. And no, you haven't been taking care of me—I've been doing it myself."

"How could you say that!?" I exclaim, critically wounded. "I work all afternoon and night to fill these cupboards with the food you like. With the games and toys you want."

"There's a fine line between funding me and taking care of me." Hoisting the backpack on his back, he slicks his raven hair at the roots before tugging the front door open. "Take care of yourself when I'm gone. I don't want you to suffer anymore."

"Stop it, Noah. I don't want to hear anything else about you leaving." I try my best to dismiss his idea, to let it go and pass by like a fading fight. "I'll see you when I get home."

He wordlessly leaves, leaving me with the clicking sound of the door clicking closed. Leaning against the frame of my door, a selfish string tugs at my heart.

Elian beats me in everything. He takes everything.

And I'm sick of it.

Your mother must be very proud to have a daughter like you.

I wish.

I wish I was strong enough to live up to Lillian's expectations—to be the person she thinks I am. Strong and wonderful likes she says, but I'm just a wimp hiding behind the premise of a sob story.

Thank you, Ari. Strong little Ari dear.

Lillian's words from my visit to The Tomorrow give me strength, and I manage to find the motivation to slip my uniform on in order to make it to the bus on time.

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"Party tomoz, chicka. Ready for a bash tomorrow or what?"

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