Chapter 8 - A shitty personality ruins a pretty face

Start from the beginning

"Err, yeah why?" I replied nervously.

"Oh, okay! You were the one who came over to my house today!" She said with meaningless joy. I looked at her boggled, "oh sorry, I'm Crystal, Mrs. Todd, you only know my husband!"

I was speechless. That was how I reckonized her. But how did she reckonize me? Had he TOLD her about me? What I did to him? That I kissed him? I couldn't think of what to say. I just smiled and nodded.

"Your eyelashes are so long and dark," she said, "which brand?" She asked.

"Excuse me?"

"Mascara? Which brand?" She insisted.

"I don't wear any. Well not out, I try sneaking it on at school though," I said truthfully.

"Oh, all natural! At your age I was straightening my hair, shovelling on makeup and bleaching my teeth!" She bragged while looking at herself in the mirror, "all the guys dig that shit!" As she said that she exited to bathroom. Great, now I had two enemies made in 1 week.

I walked out of the bathroom keeping an eye-out for Crystal because where she was, he was. I walked back to my table slowly but not calmly and took my seat. "Sorry, I just ran into someone I knew!' I said in

partial truth.

"Oh, well I hope you like shrimp fried rice! I ordered it for you!" Milly shouted. Everyone in the restaurant looked over at her. She gave a 'sorry' look and turned back around facing me. Soon, I noticEd one of the people staring at Milly were Crystal, and sitting opposite her was Mr. Todd, unfortunately, I wasn't the only one who noticed him,Iris, Caitlyn and Milly beat me to it, but unlike what I would've done, they called for him. "Mr. Todd!" Milly called. He looked over and waved. Iris signalled him to come over. He grabbed his wife's hand and they walked over. My stomach muscles tightened. "Hiya, girls," he

said quietly. Everyone, including Tania's mother, looked up at him in

awe. "Don't worry Makayla, we don't go picking up random men, he's our music teacher!" Milly explained.

"I would hope not!" Makayla said. I kept my eyes focused on my shoes and prayed not to be noticed nor brought into the conversation. "So what brings you guys here?" He asked.

"Oh, my mom was taking all of us out to welcome Cassie since she's new!" Tania said shamelessly. I winced at the sound of my name being mentioned.

"Oh yeah! Cassie's just joined last week! Ha, time goes by!" Mr. Todd said.

"How 'bout you?" Iris asked dreamily. Mr. Todd looked at her in the eyes.

"Oh, well it's my birthday Sunday, so my wife was treating me to sushi!"

"I love sushi!" Caitlyn piped in. Iris shot her a look of disapproval.

"Well we're actually just leaving, so I'll see you guys Monday!" He said waving goodbye.

The rest of the evening remained normal and quiet; nothing out of the

ordinary occurred. Although I was physically in the room with everyone, mentally I was back in HIS stunning on the sofa with him by my side. I'd like to believe that he enjoyed that kiss as much as I

did, but in all honesty, he probably couldn't wait to get me out of his house, and back with his wife. But, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get him out of my head.

By 7:30pm, we had all managed to arrive back in our dorm room. Milly and I smuggled Tania into the dorm room with us until it was time to sleep. As soon as we set foot into room 514, we all got washed and ready for bed. We all changed shamelessly in the open. I was the first to take my shirt off, then Gracie, followed by Milly, Caitlyn and to finish off, Iris. I felt upstaged. I was in my humble, unpadded white training bra where on the other hand, the girls' had lacey black push

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