Chapter Seven - The feelings are returned

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***Someone requested I do half of the chapter in Braedon (Mr.Todd)'s perspective and the other half in Cassie's***

Braedon Todd's P.O.V

As soon walked calmly and quietly for the next block or so, but as soon as that dreaded school was out of my sight I sprinted as fast as I could to my shiney silver apartment building, hoping to arrive back before my wife. I saw my building right in front of me, I charged up the 12 steps and then reached into my pockets for my keys. To my misfortune, all I found was an empty pack of cigarettes and 25¢. "Fuck!" I shouted. Then I saw my silver volks wagon pull up into the parking lot; my wife was home. 

She opened the car door, and extracted the shopping bags out from the back seat. As she walked closed up to the building, I made eye-contact with her while giving my famous "oh shit" stare.

"Why you outside, babe?" she asked giving me a kiss on the cheak. 

"I went to go get some cigarettes from the store, but I left my keys and money upstairs! Aren't I a keeper?" I lied casually. 

"Well I hope so, I married you for fuck sake," she said laughing. For at least five seconds all I could hear was the beautiful ring of Cassie's laugh opposed to my wife's. Snap outta it, I thought. "Come on let's go in!" I helped her load all of the bags into the elevator and she pressed the button. Like it always was. We waited those short two minutes before getting out and entering our little house.

I sat down on the sofa and rested my head on the lonely pillow. It still smelled like her. My wife sat down beside me. She coursed her fingers through my hair. "Remember when we were sixteen, and your parents were out, and we'd just make-out on your old sofa all night?"

"Yeah," I replied dryly. 

"People say it's good reliving old memories," she said. She closed her eyes and kissed me on the mouth gently. I returned the kiss sweetly, but the only way I could feel that passion was if I pretended I was with Cassie. It was sick, I know. Not even being able to kiss your own wife without thinking about it..her! It was as almost if this obsession ran my life. No, it didn't. I only knew the chick for a week! "Are you even listening?"

"Yeah, what, no,  wait.. what?" I stammererd.

"Who the hell is Cassie?" she said holding up the sheet of paper which  had Cassie's number writen all over it. Call me sometime -- 555-0129 xo Cassie

"Oh, Cassie?" I began, "she's my student, she was over here earlier. She boards at the school, and doesn't actually have a piano at all, so she comes round every Saturday!"

"Thanks for discussing it with me first!" she snapped. The part of me that hated this part of Crystal started to vibrate. Without control, it came bursting out.

"Well, when that dick head Mr. Eagercross pressuring you into a decision, there wouldn't be much time to phone your wife for permission! Oh, and have I forgot to mention that it's always okay when you go out with your trampy friends to God knows where, but when I have a student over to practice it's the end of the world isn't it!" I got up from my comfortable place on the sofa and began pacing around. Crystal just sat up straight and calmly said, "Well, seeing as I had quite a long weekend with me 'trampy friends', I am gona take a nap, don't wake me up until 5:00, that's when we're going out!"

"Crys, I'm sorry -" I began.

"No, don't be sorry!" she interrupted and dashed off into our room. If only I could say I felt bad for that.

Cassie's P.O.V (back to when they departed)

I stared out the window of the main office as I signed in, watching him slowly fade out of sight. Before I even had a chance to work out which way was M block/my dorm room, my phone started rythmatically buzzing. I forgot I had turned it off. Well here were the consequences: *14 new messages/4 missed calls/1 new voicemail. I sighed and immeadiately knew who they were from. I read through the first two and knew what to expect. All of them were from Milly.

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