Chapter 8 - A shitty personality ruins a pretty face

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By 5:00pm I had gotten all dressed and ready in the bathroom and expected to be the first one out the door; to my surprise they had all been waiting for me. "Come on! We'll be late!" Caitlyn whined.

"Okay, okay! What took y'all so long?" I asked sarcastically.

"We're New yorkers, baby, we learn to get up 10 minutes before we need to go, get read and STILL manage to get a coffee!" Milly jokingly bragged to me, "oh AND look fabulous!"

"I know y'all southern folks be waking up at the cracka dawn to feed them cocks!" Iris said as she put on a fake southern accent. I timidly smiled.

"Fuck off!" Tania sneered. Before Iris could snap back at her Milly piped up.

"Come on guys let's go!" Milly interrupted.

Tania called a cab. Everyone piled in and Tania sat next to me in the very back to the extent where it was just us. Once the driver drove off, everyone started their loud independent conversations with a

partner. "Hey, sorry Iris is such a bitch," Tania whispered to me.

"Why are YOU apologising? By the way, what's up with Caitlyn?" I asked.

Tania peered over at the girls. "Caitlyn?" She began, "Caitlyn's Iris's little minion, don't pay any attention to her!"

I looked at her confused, "but doesn't she host the parties?"

"If you haven't guessed by now, its Iris who's the queen bee, she literally knows EVERY single boy ages 15 to 18 at N.Y.H.B!"

"Because...?" I asked still not quite picking up what she was saying.

"Iris's older brother is 17 and goes there," Tania explained.

"She's quite pretty, you know, does she have a boyfriend?'

Tania just laughed, what was so funny? "No, Iris is a more of a 'want what you can't have' kinda chick!"


"Older guys." I didn't reply. This just got me back on the train of thought; destination: Mr. Todd land! This just had me back on my hypothesis of her going over to his house. Before I could process the information the cab driver called, "Alright, we're here! Everyone out!" Tania crawled out first and tipped the driver.

We all arrived exactly on time. The six of us wondered over to the back table to meet Tania's mother. "Oh and who's this? I'm Makayla,Tania's mom, nice to meet you sweety!" she said hugging me.

"I'm Cassie!" I said brightly, "and I'm also not feeling too well,I'll be right back!" Out of the blue, I became overcome with a dreadful migraine and rushed into the bathroom. I pulled out my phone, I had 2 missed calls from my mom. Sighing, I pressed the call-back button and waited for her to answer. As the phone rang, I heard the bathroom door open, but couldn't be bothered to see who it was."Tania?" I called. No answer, so I doubted that it should be anyone I knew. Then my mom picked up. "Cassie? Cass, baby, are you okay? Where are you? I've tried calling you! I called the school! I called your music teacher!" My mother panicked. Then I remember why I was glad I was boarding.

"Mom, mom, I'm sorry! I went over to practice with Mr. Todd, and now I'm out to dinner with a friend and her mother! Can I stay the weekend?" I said crossing my fingers in the hope she'd say yes.

"Well, I can't exactly say no NOW, so yes you can! But you are coming home next weekend, no doubts about it! And make sure you -" my mom began, but all of a sudden, she went silent.

"Mom? Hello? It's your daughter.. Cassie, remember?" NO SIGNAL read my phone. I heard footsteps from the other side of the bathroom growing closer to me by the second. I turned to see a drop dead gorgeous thin but busty blonde woman staring at me. "Hey, Cass, do you go to N.Y.H?" The lady asked me. She must have been in her very early twenties. Whydid she look familiar.

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