chapter 4

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I hear shouting in the hallway before a swarm of police enter. A bunch of medics come in and start tending to kids. They come over to me and Adam. They take him and immediately start with him getting him on a Gurnee. Grabbing our bags and my phone we exit the room with our hands in the air. Walking out, my heart is racing and the blood in my veins are pumping.

Out there I see my mom. "Oh my god my baby" i hear her yelling. All my siblings as well as the Delgattos here.

"Have any of you been harmed?" The medic and cop asks.

I shake my head as well as the rest.

"Emerson was shot" a girl says pointing at me.

I frown shaking my head. Before I can open my mouth a searing pain envelops me. I let out a groan as I feel my knees begin to buckle. Before i know it my legs give out beneath me.

"Emerson!" I hear my family cry out.

Gripping my stomach I fall completely onto the ground. I barely even notice the medics around me. My vision begins to fuzz and darken. My breathing because the only thing i hear, as tunnel vision takes over. The last thing i see is the perfect clear sky.

I peek my eyes open, confused. Opening my eyes I see a overhead light. My eyes slowly wander the room. Hospital.  Then it hits me. All the events before this.

I look around and see my mom laying in the chair beside my bed, asleep. I stare at the ceiling not wanting to close my eyes and remember what happened. I swallow the lump in my throat. The screaming still vivid on in my ears. The vibration of the gun shots in my bones. And the vivid pictures and videos of the kids being picked off one by one. And Adam, bleeding out in my arms.

The door opens, catching my attention. In walks my sister Ember. She looks pale, her eyes sunk in, tired. She looks like she's been crying for days. Her eyes flicker to me. She rakes over my body. Skipping over my open eyes she looks away.

As if remembering for a second she snaps back to me. Her eyes widening and a gasp escaping her lips. "Your awake!" She yells.

My mom is startled away and looks around till she sees my sister. Following her gaze she sees me awake. "Emerson, oh my god. My baby boy. Your awake"she cries.

I don't look at anyone. I stare at the ceiling in front of me, almost as if I'm stuck.

"I'll get the doctor" my sister says quickly.

Before I know it everyone rushes in along with the doctors. Not just my family but the Delgattos as well.

"Well, Emerson my friend you seem to have awoken finally." He says smiling at me. "How are you feeling?"

I shrug and look down at my fingers not knowing exactly what to say. How am I supposed to feel?

"I understand you've been through something tramaric. We can resume this tomorrow. You've just, finally awoken. I'll get you a bit of time." He says quietly, giving me a sad smile.

Once he's gone the room is filled with silence. I close my eyes, tightly. A loud bang startled me causing an to jump. Hurting my stomach in the process. Grabbing my stomach I look up to see a book had fallen off the couch.

"Sorry." Eleanor says quietly.

I focus on my breathing and lay back. "How's adam?" I finally say.

My mom looks back at my father and the rest of them. All of them giving me this look. "Honey-" she says sadly.

Hearing her voice and seeing there looks I swallow a lump in my throat "When's the funeral, then?"

"He hasn't woken up yet. He's in a sleep induced coma." My father says giving me a sorry look.

"How long has he been out?" I say quietly.

"It's been 4 days for you two so far." My mom says wiping a tear away.

"Can I see him?" I question finally looking at her.

"I'll ask the nurse. Give me a second." she smiles kissing my forehead.

After a few awkward moment she finally comes back with a wheel chair. "She says we Can, if you feel strong enough to get up"

I nod and remove my cover slowly.  I carefully slide my legs off, and with my dad and Ezras help I'm in the wheel chair. My mom takes me and wheels me down the hallway toward the last room. Once there she opens the door and pushes me toward his bed. Once there I see my bestfriend laying there pale, hooked up to tubes.

She leaves silently giving me time. I gently place my hands on his, afraid I'll break him.

"Hey adam. It's me, Emerson. I want you to know that i love you. And I need you to come back to me. We have been friends since we were babies. I need you to be here with me." Taking a deep breath i swollow my tears the best i can
"Seeing you shot and nearly dead will haunt me for the rest of my life. So i need you to wake up, and get through this with me. I know how you'll feel when you wake up. You'll still hear there screams,  as if your still in the room. You'll still hear the vibration of the bullets In your veins. And when you close your eyes youll be able to see all the blood, and everyone dyeing in front of you. I woke up less than 2 hours ago and I already want to go back into a coma, or never wake up again. But I'm fighting. Fighting for my family, my friends, and myself. So i need you to do the same. I need you to wake up, and be here with me. So we can recover together. I love you man, and I'll see you when you wake up. Be strong Adam." I finish, wiping a tear from my eye.

My mom walks back in a few moments later. "Ready to go?"

I nod, staring down at my fingers. Taking me she wheels me back to my room. Once I'm back in my bed I ask to be alone to sleep. Once her and everyone else is gone I can't help but break down. Crying so hard it constricts against my stitches. Slowly but surely I find myself crying myself to sleep. But that is shortly lived by my nightmare repeating itself, each and every night after this.

Emerson :(

Will adam wake up?
What will happen to Emerson if he doesn't?
Whats next to come?

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