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Annabeth just had to get sick.


Wearing an oversized sweater and boxer shorts, Annabeth made her way down to the couch. She was miserable, but goddammit she wanted to watch TV.

She downed pain killers and sinus headache pills before cocooning in a blanket on the couch and pulling up Netflix. It was Friday and all she was going to do was wallow in pain and suffering.


It's noon and she gets a text from Percy asking about where she was. Annabeth said she was sick and Percy said just to wait until after school. She was confused but she didn't ask, she knew she wouldn't get an answer anyways.

Well at three o'clock she heard the familiar sound of a motorcycle shuting off in her drive way. Percy didn't even knock as he came into the house and put his stuff on the entryway table.

Three seconds later he is putting two boxes of tissues on the coffee table, unloading cough syrup, and took out a big thing of ice-cream. "Okay. Do you want soup or ice-cream first?" Percy turned to her deathly serious.

Annabeth grinned at him even if her head pounded with the action. This guy was so sweet. Annabeth sat up a bit but Percy gentle pushed her back down. "Ice-cream, I've had soup today."

Percy nodded and went off to the kitchen. When he returned he placed two spoon on the table before turning to her again. His jacket was off and he wore a blue long-sleeved shirt. Percy held up Annabeth's shoulders so he could sit down, then placed her head back down and into his lap but just up against the arm of the sofa.

He reached over with his long arms and grabbed the ice-cream and spoons. He handed one to Annabeth and opened the container. "Here we go." He took the tv remote from her as she took a spoon full of ice-cream.

Next thing that's on is a comedian named John Mulaney. Annabeth laughed along as Percy watched the TV and babied her. He got her water when she coughed, he made her take medicine, only let her up to use the restroom, and rubbed her head until her headache was gone.

"You know Percy . . . " Annabeth said sleepily. "You're really sweet." Percy snorted even as he smiled. He ran his fingers through the golden curls of Annabeth's once again. "You really are." She curled into him and passed out.

Percy did move from his spot. Not once. He just kept playing with her hair and rubbing her temples.

Annabeth woke up from her nap a while later with a much clearer mind, still foggy, but better.

"Thanks Seaweed Brain." Annabeth beamed as she sat up but only curled into Percy's chest. Percy pulled her by her waist onto his lap and locked his arms around her after pulling the blanket back up around them.

"No problem Wise Girl." Percy said with a smile. His nose grazed Annabeth's forehead as he pulled her closer.

"I hope you aren't going to get sick from this." Annabeth looked up at Percy. He just shrugged and traced random patterns around on her side. "Why don't you have like a huge group of friends, Percy?"

Percy bit his lip. "I used to . . . Then they all turned out to be dicks." His eyes flashed for a moment. Annabeth poked his chest and Percy sighed. "Rachel Dare used to be my best friend. Then . . . She got into the popular crowd. I don't know what happened, or why, but she became distant and edgy. I couldn't take the never talking. So I just . . . Cut myself off from the others."

Annabeth frowned. "We should of met sooner." Percy grinned an nodded.

"I am someone who likes a small but close set of friends. I don't need to be going to parties or football games, swim meets are enough for me." Percy gave his troublemaker smile and Annabeth's stomach filled with butterflies.

"Well, I'm guessing that's true or you'd be cuddling with everyone we walked passed." Annabeth teased.

"No, only you Wise Girl." He teased back with a raised eyebrow. Annabeth pinched his side even as she buried her face so he wouldn't see her blush. "Come on Wise Girl, you are just as cuddly as I am."

And with her arms wrapped around him and her head buried in his chest, she couldn't argue. "Still." Annabeth said lamely.

"Good comeback Wise Girl, though I'll cut you some slack because you're sick." Percy kept teasing her. Annabeth huffed a breath before sitting up and glaring at him. He grinned at her until she grinned back.

"Thank you Percy, really." And it wasn't just for today. She was thankful for all of it. Every hug, every conversation, every study session, and every time they just watched movies while on this couch.

"Thank you Wise Girl." Percy smirked as he rest his right hand on her waist, the other traced circles on her knee.

Annabeth didn't talk anymore as she buried her head back into his chest. Percy's hand wrapped around to rest on Annabeth's stomach and the other kept resting on her knee.

If being sick meant that a hot guy would be doing this, Annabeth was fully ready to be sick everyday. Especially if that hot guy was Percy with his messy black hair and green eyes. Annabeth played with Percy's hair and smiled into his shoulder.

Yep, being sick was awesome.

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