"I'm not a taxi, Shyla." Loki rolled his eyes at me. "You need to work on your teleportation."

"You should have told me I didn't have an exit, asshole." I cursed at him under my breath as I left the room. "Where are you going?"

"I think that's my business, not yours."

"Asshole." I grumbled at him as he disappeared in a haze of golden smoke.

I began to make my way through the extremely small HYDRA-infested warehouse.

What was on that drive, Loki?

Nothing that concerns you.

One of these days I'm going to stop helping you.

No you won't because then I will kill Barton and Kennox.

I let out a growl in frustration and slammed my fist against the wall as I continued down the hall. Maybe I could try poisoning him.

As I turned down one of the last hallways, I found myself being thrown back into the concrete wall. I hit it, absorbing most of the impact in my back and hitting my head on the wall.

I hit the floor and rolled over on to my stomach.

"Shit." I cursed softly, pushing myself to my feet.

I could feel someone trying to push their way telepathically in to my mind. It was Wanda.

"Shit." I kept my head tilted down as I stood to my feet. She was just a few hundred feet away from me, standing with her hands by her sides and red wisps emitting from her fingers.

"Why can't I read your mind?" Wanda questioned me. She tried to make her voice sound intimidating and threatening but it wasn't working.

Loki, you seriously need to get your ass back here. I was definitely going to poison him. That asshole had to know they would be here.

I summoned as much energy as I could from my core and pushed the energy out. Wanda was thrown down the hallway and into Thor, who was making his way towards us.

She cried out upon landing on top of Thor. Something had happened. She was hurt.

"We aren't-We aren't alone, guys."

I listened closely as Wanda gasped at the pain she was feeling. She was communicating through the earpieces all of the Avengers wore.

"Her arm is broken, Captain." Thor told Steve.

"Get her to the jet, Pietro."

Before Steve could even finish his sentence, Pietro was kneeling down beside his twin sister, practically pushing Thor out of the way.

The feeling of someone behind me made the hair on my arms stand up. I began to spin around, ready to punch whoever it was, when the person caught my fist in their metal one. My hand began to be crunched by Bucky.

Our eyes met and my heart began to race as the pain started to spread through my hand and lower arm.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered. "Dormi."

My fist was instantly released and Bucky took a step back but the spell didn't work him the way it should have. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes, desperate to fight the sleep.

"Dormi." I repeated, this time with a little more power behind the simple spell.

Bucky swayed on his feet before collapsing in a heap on the floor.

"What did you do to Barnes?" Thor demanded. I glanced over my shoulder upon hearing his deep voice behind me. He threw Mjolnir at me and I turned, without thinking, with all intentions of stopping the hammer.

However, I found myself flying through the air and through a wall. I landed on my back, dusty dry-wall particles making breathing difficult. Mjolnir was resting on my chest when I finally regained the ability to see and it was pushing down on my chest.

I looked back to where Thor was now kneeling over Bucky, checking for a pulse.

"Who the hell are you?" He asked me as he stood up and began to make his way towards me. His brows crinkled together as he stepped through the hole in the wall and moved closer. I struggled to get free, desperate to hide from a former friend. "And why is it that you look so familiar?"

"What's going on, Thor?" Steve asked through the earpiece.

"I think I know this woman."

I raised my hand and Thor watched as silver wisps escaped my fingertips.

"Let me go, Thor."

"Excuse me?"

"You will let me go, and you'll forget my face." I silently prayed that this little charm-spell worked. It was a simple one Loki had taught me that just involved a little more mind control that what I used to do with HYDRA.

Thor stared at me for a few heartbeats before lifting Mjolnir off of my chest.

I took a deep breath, glad that I was finally able to get oxygen to my lungs, and stood to my feet. However, as soon as I made it to my feet, something sharp stabbed me in the arm. I looked down to see what looked like a dart sticking out of my arm.

"What the hell?" I muttered under my breath.

"You okay, big guy?" Natasha asked Thor as she entered the room through the door. My vision began to blur and everything felt fuzzy inside.

"I am fine. Who is this?" He gestured to me.

"I'm not sure, but I'm going to need help toting her back to the jet. She's been tranquilized."

I shook my head, trying desperately to fight the sedative, and stumbled towards the hole I had created in the wall. I only took three steps before the floor started to grow closer to my eyes and everything went black.

Things are about to get intense....

Also I need someone's input....maybe.... opinion is a better word. If you think that you know everything/most things about this story and think you know what direction it should take in the future, please, please, PLEASE DM me because I need someone who is open-minded to everything and anything impossibly potential for Shyla's story. I have an idea for this book that is absolutely insane and might ruin it but I want to run it by one or two people first....

Does that make any sense? DM me for details!

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<3 Kacey <3

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