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It was my first time to hear you sing. There was this just unexplainable magic to the sound of your voice. The way each note carressed my ears as it brought a shiver down my spine felt like you were making love to the song and the lyrics were the sound of your passionate night.

No wonder your bandmates felt threatened—you were exquisite. Finesse in every way and smooth. Listening to you was tantamount to drowning in your arms where the sweetest slur of your tongue pulled me in.

The melody of the song's bridge brought back memories from last night. We just finished dinner; white plates now empty of the carbonara that we easily consumed in five minutes, backs resting against the chair as we slouched back.

I broke the comfortable silence first. "Thanks for dinner. It was amazing."

A smirk tugged at the corner of your lip. "Not that I don't already know, but sure. You're welcome."

"Ew," I said, scrunching up my nose at your arrogance. I threw my napkin and it landed on your shoulder. "You're disgustingly arrogant."

"What?" Laughing, you grabbed the napkin. "I was just telling the truth."

"You don't have to be so obnoxious!"

"I wasn't obnoxious. Honest, maybe. Obnoxious, definitely not."

"God," I groaned, "I can't believe I'm dating someone who's not yet even a superstar, yet already has an ego the size of America."

You gave me a flat look, seemingly offeneded by my words. For a moment, I was filled with panic, but was then assured by your teasing eyes. "I'll be recording another song tomorrow. Ain't that the beginning of a superstar?"

"You are?"

Your face broke into an excited grin, and you scooted your chair close to mine, arms perched over your knees. "You can come and watch me."

"Watch you?"

"Yes..." you trailed off, watching my wide eyes and gaping mouth. "Why—don't you want to?"

I quickly shook my head. "No! I mean, of course I want to. It's just that—" throwing my hands up in frustration, I gave you a flat look, "—you know how it is. If I go there, what would I tell them if they ask what my relationship is with you?"

"You don't have to worry about that. I can always tell them you're a friend or someone."

There was no contest, that excuse sounded worse than admitting to them that I was your girlfriend. Everybody knew that nowadays, when a celebrity calls someone their 'friend', it rarely meant its original context.

"Wouldn't your manager get mad? Will he be there?"

Your lips pursed. My eyes instantly narrowed. "He'd be there, won't he?"

"Well, yes. He'll have to drop by to check in on the progress of the recording—maybe stay for half an hour or so. But that's it. He doesn't stay long. Besides, you have nothing to worry about. Freddie doesn't really meddle with my personal life."

My eyes narrowed even further, now tinged with suspision and disbelief. "Are you sure we're talking about the same person? Because I'm sure the last time we talked about him, I ended up crying. He basically forced you into a fake relationship."

Sighing, you leaned back in your seat and ran your fingers through your hair. Dark strands were all over the place, and in that moment you looked exhausted. "Babe, we talked about this, remember? I thought you understand my situation."

"I do!" My voice rose. "I understand."

"Then what are we arguing about?"

"We're not arguing," I quickly said. "I'm just simply pointing out how it'll make me really uncomfortable to be in the same place with the man who wants someone else to be your girlfriend. Does he even know about me?"

We held each other's gaze for a long silent moment, seemingly speaking all the words needed throughout the silence. You were first to look away, eyes falling to the my hands on the table, and you held onto them. And just like that, I knew.

My eyes followed our joined hands, my tightly closed fists looking so small in your guitar-calloused hands. I was afraid to hear your answer, Sean, even though I already know what it'd be. I was afraid because I didn't know what I wanted to hear. Did I want your manager to know so I'd be recognized, or did I want to reject him the privilege of knowing our relationship?

"Baby," you said, the endearment sounding so natural from your lips. "You shouldn't be bothered by him; by anything that compose my world. What we have is special, and Freddie doesn't belong anywhere near it."

"Is it alright that he doesn't know?" My voice cracked at the end, ashamed of my insecurities—afraid of how this important detail may affect your blooming career.

You smiled and pushed a lock of hair behind my ear. Your fingers felt warm against my skin. "What matters is us. Okay? Just trust me, and we'll be okay."

My heart warmed—insecurities slowly being tucked away for awhile. "Okay."

Your face broke into a heartstopping grin, as your mouth caught my lips. I smiled into the kiss, toes tingling and heart content.


You were smiling behind the glass window that separated us, the corner of your eye trained on me. I was standing beside Cherry who pulled me inside the recording studio so we could see you. Confidence was oozing from you, dripping from every word that was sung and the whole room felt it too.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Finch, the musical director, grinning widely at the composer who sat next to him. A tall African-American woman who kept pursing her lips anxiously just minutes ago. They were both nodding appreciatively when you hit the highest note of the song.

The sound engineer, whose name I learned from listening was Yuri, whistled. Even Cherry looked smug. Yet despite everyone's buzzing energy, you remained oblivious to all, eyes closed as you sang the chorus of the song.

"Let's runaway together to some place unknown. Some place where our faces would be nothing but strangers'."

And just like an old photograph that had seen better days, the magic that was brought by your voice crumbled, now laying in ashes at my feet.

Everything around me had turned mute.

The song said everything I wanted to say. It would've better if I were angry—but Sean, there was only sadness in my heart. This heavy pang that echoed right after every heartbreaking beat. Because, my love, you made me realize that if I truly were important as you claimed me to be, I wouldn't have wanted to run away.

But it seemed it was beginning to sound like the best option, and so, I did.

My lovely friends! (Yes, I'm assuming it), watch out for the next chapters to come! Wink wink.

New characters

More drama

Plot movement




With all the love,

Love Is Symphony |✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ