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"I don't think I should be doing this, Imogen. I don't want to embarrass myself." Sighing for the tenth time already since Imogen passed me the tray with you and your date's order, I tried to send her a pleading look. Silently begging her to let the matter go and let me be.

Right now, all I wanted to do (aside from going home and wallowing myself in self-pity) was to get back to my fifteen-minute break that barely started before I was interrupted and pulled out of the staff room.

An unamused frown crossed over Imogen's face. She looked briefly at your direction, red lipstick-coated lips curling in distaste before turning back to look at me. "Can you see that? He's so into that chick. I bet they had a quickie before going here. Which leads me to my suggestion: you have to make your presence known! What does he think of himself? Some lavishly attractive guy who can bring his date to a café where the girl he's flirting with works at? God!"

"Come on, we both know he's lavishly attractive. You even called him hottie just minutes ago."

She groaned as she threw her arms in the air. "I know! But making him sound less attractive makes it feel a little better, right?"

It was my turn to look at the table where you were sat. And there you were, chuckling at whatever that brunette bombshell was telling you. "Honestly? No."

Imogen only rolled her eyes and pushed me out of the safety confines of the working area. I almost stumbled and I shot her an unamused glare but she only smiled sheepishly at me.

"Go on now," she waved her hands in a dismissive motion, "gotta make sure their order arrives at their table ASAP."

Taking a huge gulp of air, I straightened my back and held the brown tray tighter. My fingers curling around its sides in a tight grip as I pursed my lips. Knuckles almost turning white from the pressure. Then, I took the first wobbly step.

Just like in the movies, as the lead girl walked her way into the chaotic labyrinth of halls and lockers at school, every body else began to blur. Each face and sound overlapping and swirling all together, and all I could hear were the muted sound of their laughter, laptop keys, phones, giggles, slurps, plates, forks... it was as if I was wrapped in a huge plastic bag. And as every thing else morphed into a swirl of color and motion, I saw you.

You in a powder blue button down shirt with sleeves that were rolled up your elbows, khaki pants and white sneakers. You with that twinkle of mischief in your bluish gray eyes. You with a huge grin on your lips. You in front of a beautiful woman who wasn't me.

As I reached your table and gingerly placed the tray down, the woman you came with halted on mid-speech along with the distinctive sound of your deep laughter. I kept my head down, hands almost—just almost— shaking as I placed two small plates of dark chocolate on the table.

"Two dark chocolate cake, one Matcha Green Tea frappe and one Wintermelon milk tea. Anything else, ma'am, sir?"

"Oh, wow. This cake smells divine!" The brunette breathed out, and my eyes snapped towards her at the sound of her sweet and very feminine voice. There was this huge giddy smile on her face as she slid the plate closer to her as she continued to take in the scent.

From the corner of my eyes, I could just understand why you'd choose to be with her. She was the exact definition of the term gorgeous. Her hair was a rich color of chocolate brown that was styled into a fishtail braid. A pair of bright hazel eyes and a cute button nose made her face look adorable and sweet. Her lips were thin and pinkish and two deep dimples adorned her rosy cheeks. She was a true beauty, a remarkable woman that caught every wandering eyes without her trying. She was undoubtedly charming with a face free of make up and a figue of a super model. And then there was me, standing awkwardly in front of you two gorgeous people with a stained apron over my lopsided boobs and sweaty hair.

"You got every thing, Miranda?" you gently asked her, reaching out to clasp your hand with hers, eyes intently focused on the the beautiful siren in front of you. I had to look away.

Sean, I wanted to call your name and ask you to look at me, but I couldn't do that. I wasn't the woman in front of you, I wasn't the woman you were with, I wasn't Miranda.

Miranda... it suited her.

"Yeah, babe. I'm all good," she answered with that sweet voice of hers.

I tried not to visibly flinch at the term of endearment that slipped past her lips. Biting onto my lower lip, with the empty tray gripped tightly into my hand, I took calming breaths as the foul taste of rejection settled on my tongue.

"I guess we're good. Thanks, Serenity," you told me. And I badly wanted to hit you with the tray I held when your eyes only briefly glanced my way before returning to your Mandy.

"Oh, you guys know each other," asked Miranda.

I was taken aback by her sudden inquiry, but remained silent. Not knowing what to say, my eyes quickly averted towards you. Anticipation and nervousness swimming in my gut as I waited for your answer.

And then you said it. The words that I couldn't identify if it would make or break me.

"Somehow. We're friends right, Serenity?"

Yes, Sean, we were. We were just friends and I wanted to pull my heart out and rip it to shreds for ever thinking that I could ever be seen more than just a friend. How could I ever forget, I was never that woman. I was never the one. Might've been, yes, but the one chosen... I could never be that. I was merely a passing girl that would soon be forgotten, a name that would only tickle old memories that never really mattered as much as I thought they did.

"Y-yeah, I guess," I whispered, almost choking on my reply. And with one last tight-lipped smile and a very rehearsed enjoy your drinks, ma'am and sir line, I walked away from the scene as fast as I could. And as soon as I reached the counter, my shoulders relaxed, my nerves calmed, and the muted sound of the people around us popped the wrap that surrounded me.

Finally, I could breathe again. But as soon air filled my lungs, my heart felt the agonizing pain of the sharp nail of rejection digging into my heart.

And this time, I didn't stop the tears anymore.


This by far is my most favorite chapter. Thoughts, anyone?

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