Devilish Breakfast

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I wanted to congratulate and show my affection for all of you, my dear Tied to Darkness readers; do something special for all of you in this day of love and friendship. Sooo, with that in mind I bring a brief, hopefully romantic story as a Valentines gift for all of you. 😘😘 It's a little late but I hope you enjoy it!!

☆ Yo también te amo, mi hambriento demonio= I love too, my hungry devil

Ps: The micro is outside the novel's timeline so it doesn't really matter when is read.


Devilish Breakfast

Mina awakened in an unfamiliar bed with blood red sheets and imposing bedposts that had been shaped as angry, snarling dragons. The canopy bed was huge, able to comfortably fit four persons inside but even so she was alone on it.

Sighing, she looked at the stone walls until her gaze landed on the huge fireplace. Her hands caressed the fluffy brown pelt covering her naked body before she sat. Somehow her demonic husband had transported her- without her knowledge- to the interdimensional world he created.

The brunette wrapped the pelt around her body like a towel and got out of bed. It was only the second time she was inside Vergil's bedroom in Kirash'ershiff so she hadn't recognized the place at first. How could she when the first time she had been a ball of nerves because of their dark bond?

"You ruined my surprise. I wanted to wake you with the smell of breakfast beside you," her white haired demon said, putting the tray filled with food over a nearby table.

"I can crawl back in bed and pretend I'm sleeping," her singsong voice spoke of mischief and playful pleasure. Just imagining his rock hard, pitch black torso covered in pancake syrup made her weak in the knees.

"You would like that, don't you? Having me on bed, covered by a sticky substance and at the mercy of your whims?"

She smiled wickedly as she nodded, chewing on her bottom lip. Her devilish love had been reading her thoughts. "Taming a powerful beast is every girl's dream," Mina whispered before going to the tray and eating a bite of the buttery cakes.

He leaned towards her, enjoying the sweet aroma of her dark hair. "Let me feed you first, Miss Larsa. Then you can do whatever you want to me." The demon prince grabbed one of the grapes embellishing the plate and rubbed it against her lips before he ate the fruit. "Take my submission as part of your Valentines gift."

Her gray eyes sparkled again and she turned away from him to jump back in bed. Eagerness showing in every inch of her face, she patted the space beside her and called him with her index finger. "Come here, mi amor. Let us feed each other."

He smirked at her playfulness and flashed into the bed, food tray and all. "I love you, my dove," Vergil said before plopping a grape in his mouth and kissing Mina.

She moaned as she tasted the juice inside his mouth. "Yo también te amo, mi hambriento demonio."

And the best thing about Kirash'ershiff was that no one would disturb them while they showered themselves with love and devotion.

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