Chapter 5 (Part 1)

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I woke up feeling all groggy...if that even is a word...

I had bearly gotten any sleep last night due to a certain someone. Speaking of Hayden, he wasn't laying beside me anymore. In fact Joe and Amy didn't seem to be present either! Must be out for breakfast,  I thought. I got changed into my usual ripped skinny jeans (black of course), band tshirt and a pair of black Doc Martins. I decided to put in my black scaffold piercing but left my lip piercing out. Grabbing my grey hoodie I made my way out.

As soon as I got out I spotted everyone sitting at a picnic table just a couple of yards away. As I walk over Joe notices me, "Hey sleepy head! Sorry I didn't wake you up, Hayden said you had trouble sleeping." How the hell did he know that!?

"Yea.... It's okay I'm fine." I replied awkwardly, I saw Hayden look at me from head to toe at my outfit and then grin in approval. I could feel myself blushing so I quickly sat down next to Amy and hid my face by putting my hood up.

"So me and Joe decided we were going to visit the spa today and we booked you and Hayden in for a trust exercise session!"

"What!" Me and Hayden both shouted at the same time, resulting in some of Hayden's breakfast to come flying out his mouth!

"Look I don't mind spending time with Hayden but I really don't think Trust exercises is the best way to go... " I said giving Amy a stern look. Suddenly Hayden's face turned mischievous," Hmm maybe this will be alright lena, it's about time you learnt to trust me." He put an emphasis on the word trust - probably referring to our little conversation last night.

I looked towards Amy, "I just don't think it's a good idea to be touching people."

Amy gave me a sympathetic smile, "Hayley, you can't let ur gift hold you back, there's a reason why you have it; you just have to find out a way to use it positively!" She whispered to me. Judging by the look on her face I wasn't getting out of this. Great.


"Trust is something many individuals are afraid of..." Me and Hayden stood there with bored expressions, just like many other teens who had been forced to attend this session. The youth worker just droned on, not actually caring if anyone gave a toss about his definition of trust.

I felt someone's gaze on me and looked up. I caught a boy standing across staring at me. He was alright looking I suppose. When he saw that I had seen him he gave me a big grin... Cocky much?

I smiled awkwardly back at him and quickly steered my eyes back to the youth worker.

'Alright guys I want you to get into pairs and just chat amongst yourselves about what you think Trust is! That's all so you may now begin! ' Suddenly the room came alive and people wandered around everywhere, I turned towards Hayden who had a smirk plastered across his face. Just as he was about to speak we were interrupted by the cute boy from earlier, "Um sorry to interrupt but I was wondering if I could join your group because there's an odd amount of people..?" I could see Hayden's jaw tense, he obviously wanted to talk to me alone without anyone else. 

"Yea sure! I'm Helena by the way and this is Hayden." I said shaking his hand kindly, he held on a bit too long if you ask me.

"My name is Matt!" Matt.... Hmm he seems a bit to perfect. "Do you mind if I call you Lena for short!?" He said winking at me, I could feel myself blush slightly.

Suddenly Hayden's arm was around my shoulders and he pulled me against him causing a sense of endless butterflies in my stomach!

"Yes she does mind."


This is only the first part but I still uploaded it because I felt bad that I hadn't updated for a while! The second part will be uploaded shortly

Thank you for being patient :D

Fallen_98 xo

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