Ishimaru sighed, "Fine, so be it. But only because this is your first day and you aren't familiar with the rules!"

And with that he walked out of the class.

You silently let out a sigh of relief.

"Jeez, he's like my drill sergeant," you thought, "So, Naegi, what's his deal?"

"I dunno," he replied, "But they call him the 'Super High School Level Public Morals Committee Member' for a reason. Otherwise known as the 'Ultimate Moral Compass'"

Super High School Level Public Morals Committee Member? What kind of title is that? What kind of school did you attend?

You raised your head and looked at your class.

The most assorted class of people, you've ever experienced, yet.

It was a class of around 16 students. All sporting different appearances, clothing, shapes and sizes. Quite literally.

There were a few ordinary looking students, such as you and Makoto, but then in the other end of the spectrum were some people you'd never imagine in your wildest dreams.

A white haired woman(?) with muscles so huge she wouldn't look out of place in a street fighter game.

Some 12 year old girl. 'Nuff said.

Someone, who you presumed was a gang leader of some sort, with a hairstyle that looked like a corn cob defying gravity.

A red head boy in white clothing, pretty handsome, possibly a virgin, presumably the class jock.

An overweight person who literally looked like a walking sphere. It's surprising he hasn't collapsed on himself already.

And a raven haired girl with pigtails that looked like drills and satanic red eyes ready to steal your soul.


"You flinched, jumping backwards in bewilderment.

"My name is Sayaka Maizono, Super High School Level Idol, pleased to meet you," you looked at a cute, cheerful blue haired schoolgirl who wore the traditional sailor fuku, "Tee-hee!"

"Hm, is there something wrong?" you asked, starting to feel slightly uneasy, "Was it that outburst in class?" you thought to yourself.

"Nope, not that..."

"Did I say that out loud?" you asked.

"Nope. I have Jedi mind powers,"  she put both her hands on her temples and made a face that you just couldn't take seriously, "Just kidding, just my intuition. However, something tells me your not from here,"

"What do you mean? I'm from America if that's what your asking,"

"No, not in that way. But you're not from here here. If you catch my drift,"

You looked at her puzzled.

"Oh, never mind. Don't want to kill your brain. We got 3 hours left of school to get through,"

"Okay?" you asked, still slightly confused, "But still, why were you giggling at me?"

"It's just your hair looks so fluffy!" she squealed as she ruffled your hair, "Ahhh, its fluffier than a puppy's tail!"

All the girls turned their heads towards you, some even started giggling before returning to what they were doing previously. All except the beautiful, stoic, lavender-white haired girl with her permanent deadpanned expression. She seemed to be reading a novel, completely immersed into is as if she was sucked into the story itself.

You went back to your desk, which was right next to hers, and sat down. She looked even more beautiful up close.

Long, beautiful hair, silk soft to the touch, pale white skin. Wearing a small, purple trench coat on top of a white T-shirt and an orange tie. With a hair braid and a black ribbon a skirt as well as boots that reached up to her knees. You also noticed that she was wearing leather gloves. Maybe it was a recent fashion trend in Japan you haven't heard of.

In a way her fashion senses matched her personality.

"So what're you reading?"

She sighed.

"You can always check the front cover," she replied, attention still focused on the novel. Her voice was just as cold and emotionless as her facial expressions. But, to you, it had some sort of charm to it.

At this point you couldn't tell if she was being sassy or you were just stupid.

You leaned forward from your desk, looking at the books cover which read:

                        King Arthur
    And the Knights of the Round  

"Oh hey, I remember that book," you said.

You seems to have perked her interest as she peered slightly over the book.

"King Arthur and the knights of the Round table. My mom used to read me the stories every night before bed," you said, casting yourself back to those long nights, "Stories of adventurous knights, dastardly villains and ferocious dragons,"

"Heh, I wanted to be a knight when I was a kid," you chuckled, "I heard a little about a famous legend too,"

"Go on," she said curiously.

"Legend says, whenever the world is in need of a hero, King Arthur himself returns. In someplace Called Avalon, wherever the hell that is,"

"It's a nice thought..." she said, her face still expressionless as she returned to her book, "But reality is different from fiction. The real world doesn't work the same as it does in the books and heroes like this don't exist, as if any real heroes exist,"

A little pessimistic.

"Well let's hope that we won't need any heroes like that anytime soon..."

Forsaken Skies: King of the Round Table || Kyoko Kirigiri X male readerWhere stories live. Discover now