Those Days

259 24 49

Boredom. Poetry produced when bored.


Those Days

A visit to my childhood home,

where i spent my youth,

made me realise,

how much I've changed

The house lay in a dilapidated state

The walls, once my canvas

now damp and moist

And my room, now an insect zoo

The garden, where I first kissed

Lay in a pretty bad state

with weeds all over

and a broken gate

Tears welled up in my eyes

As waves of nostalgia washed over,

I found myself asking

"God! If you do exist,

I wanna live those days again"

My practical mind whirred into action

It told me my wish was useless,

and to move on

So I turn away

with a lingering desire

To live those days again

Poetry In MotionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora