Valentine's Day Preferences

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Happy Valentine's Day! These are just some preferences I wrote in my free time and sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, also imma try to upload more often lol sorry.

Archie: You knew Archie always as a romantic type, but you never expected this. The boy you loved went all out on Valentine's Day - bringing you chocolate, flowers and playing you a song he had written for the occasion.

Jughead: The pessimistic writer left his laptop at home to give you his full attention - he even allowed you to wear his beanie. The two of you ended up doing a lot of cuddling, watching Quentin Tarantino movies together, and eating chocolate whilst complaining about the holiday - although you had enjoyed it when it was with beanie boy.

Betty: The blonde beauty dressed in a pastel array and the two of you clung onto each other throughout the school day. As soon as school was out, you declined spending time with the rest of the Scooby gang for some one on one time at pops with milkshakes and whispering sweet nothings to each other.

Veronica: The raven haired lover dressed in a jaw dropping red bodycon dress to school, and that in itself was amazing. The both of you spent the day with flirting and flowers, then went to Ethel's house afterwards to spend sometime in the hot tub 😉

Cheryl: Your girlfriend dressed in her normal red attire for the day, but instead of spending her day dealing with her home life or getting caught up in school, she spent every second by your side. She even cancelled practice with the River Vixens! You definitely had a make out session in that time and played seven minutes in heaven.

Reggie: Your controversial boyfriend actually dedicated every second of the holiday with you. Instead of his usual flirting with everyone he proved that you were what mattered to him, and bought you an abundance of chocolate but was smart enough to not expect you to share.

Kevin: With the both of you being single pringles, you decided to embrace it together by spending the much hated day together at Kev's house watching movies, eating overpriced chocolates and gossiping.

Toni: Your girlfriend of a couple months decided to keep things simple by hanging out by the Whyte Wrym, drinking and making out, which to you was a perfect was to spend time with the girl you loved.

Sweet Pea: Everyone painted him as repulsive and aggressive, but that just couldn't be farther from the truth. Right after school, Sweet Pea and you spent the whole day cuddling and watching sappy valentines movies, and Sweet Pea being honestly super needy and adorable. But you weren't surprised, he's Sweet Pea, when is he not adorable?

Chic: As Chic was still quite new to town and stayed home quite a bit, you surprised him by sneaking into the Cooper's house for a make our session with the mysterious boy along with a lot of other things, leaving you loving Valentine's Day and him even more.

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