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Clara fidgeted nervously with her glove

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Clara fidgeted nervously with her glove. What if he hadn't really meant it? She hadn't talked to Charles since that Sunday except for a quick call or two, and he hadn't mentioned much about the Ball. What if it had been all a joke?

She calmed herself down and took a deep breath as she waited outside. The light, warm summer breeze waved over her bare arms. She was grateful Susan had talked her out of wearing a cardigan over her sky blue dress. It was actually Clara's, which was a bit surprising as Clara didn't wear many gowns or things like that. Susan had done the brunette's hair; it was put up in a fashionable  French twist. Clara had also let her housemate do her makeup. She wondered if it was too much.

Clara sighed again and examined the paved ground as other students walked past, laughing with their friends. She was about to just leave and study instead, when she saw two polished shoes appear next to hers. She looked up with a growing smile and met Charles Xavier's grin. He offered his elbow to her, and she slid her arm through.

"It's a lovely evening, isn't it?" he said.

"Quite," she nodded with her always-sweet smile. He helped her into a nearby car, and the two drove across the countryside to the May Ball.


The field was already crowded with people once they arrived. Charles and Clara walked, arm in arm, towards the big tent someone had set up. It was magical. The trees were lit with bright lightbulbs, students dressed in party wear danced under the stars, and there was even a bathtub filled with champagne bottles on ice. The area, usually used for croquet, had been completely transformed into a fairytale party from the 20's. The bar-staff were dressed in tuxedos and flapper dresses, and loud jazz was heard.

The pair drifted over by the drinks and watched the dancing from the side of the tent. A swing melody started playing, and the dancing became more crowded. Clara smiled.

"Should we dance, do you think?" she asked. Charles shook his head.

"Oh no, no. Happy to observe the phenomenon, but I can't possibly imagine participating," he said. Clara raised an eyebrow.

"I absolutely agree," she said. "I mean, who would want to dance?" Charles looked at her.

"No I'm quite serious," he replied. "I don't want to dance."

"Oh," she looked at the ground awkwardly. Charles cursed himself inside for ruining the moment with his dancing doubts. If he was with Raven, he'd be up for dancing but since he was with this new girl, Charles was slightly nervous. 

Suddenly, there was a loud gasp from the crowd and the two looked up to see a blue UV light turn on. More couples flocked to the dance floor. Clara gazed at the glowing dresses and shirts in awe.

"Do you see how the men's cuffs and shirt-fronts," Charles pointed out, trying to break the silence, "how they glow more than the dresses?" Clara nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2018 ⏰

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