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aaaaand here we are. tsk tsk dalvie you have no control

so if you can't tell aha this is a spin off of my already existing divide series, which has the books LETTERS and PERFECT. and for everyone's info, this book isn't a sequel (that'll be coming later) BUT PLEASE AND GO CHECK OUT MY OTHER BOOKS YAYYYY

i swear i need mental help for all my crazy ideas of having a giant book series

OH AND! this book has a LOT of inspiration from the movie the theory of everything, and if you haven't GO WATCH IT! it's so sad and cute and ohmygod



- milan again and ik i say this in every book but SERIOUSLY YOURE THE BEST AND ILY THANKS FOR EVERYTHING ALWAYS
- hayls my fellow james mcavoy lover ;)
- maddie- EarthsMightiestMoron more xmen fans woot wooooooooot
- abby and spiderlad for always inspiring me with their writing (also thanks tisha for always helping me ahhhh sorry for bugging you a lot ahah)
- mel_ thank you so much for sticking with letters argh it makes me so happy and also just thanks for being a great friend



the cast and stuff is in the next chapter ahahah wow so fancy

the cast and stuff is in the next chapter ahahah wow so fancy

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