A broken cough coming from the body across from her gained her attention, his eyelids slowly flickering open as he attempted to deal with the horrible pain that had somehow gotten worse. It was hard for his vision to focus at first, only seeing blurry shapes and no sharp details, but then he was able to see normally through his previously-delirious, brown eyes, which included the female in front of him. He saw her straight, blonde hair, her composed posture, and finally her blue eyes that only stayed on him for an instant before going back to ignoring him. From Issac's description and how she wasn't bothering to help him in the slightest, he knew that this was the girl that started this whole mess in the first place.

"You're her, aren't you? You're the one that stole the box from Issac in France," He spoke quietly, but loud enough for her to hear the rhetorical question.

"Well, aren't you a genius for pointing out the obvious." She sighed, unimpressed, standing up from leaning against the wall and beginning to walk around for no specific reason.

Scott frowned at her response, wondering why she would save the creature from his containment when clearly she wasn't around to help him out the first time he was here, the questions starting to arise in him again. He may be poisoned, tied up, and feeling absolutely horrible, but he was still aware of the opportunity to get answers, to get something to make him understand this complicated situation. Because maybe then he could save Stiles, maybe then he could get Lydia to wake up, and maybe he could get rid of this monster once and for all.

The weakened boy swallowed hard, letting out a shaky breath to keep himself from being controlled by the burning sensation running through his whole being. "Who are you?"

"Who am I? That's what you want to ask? I thought it would be something along the lines of 'why are you doing this' or 'why are you helping him'."

"I figured you probably wouldn't answer those questions anyway. Plus, if I knew who you are, then I might be able to help you see that you don't have to do this. It's not too late." Scott explained through heavy breaths, struggling to keep himself awake this time, and Pru reminded herself not to be surprised of his optimistic actions.

The true alpha had something that the human lacked for the most part, hope. At this point it was just a part of him, underneath every word or promise to be kept, but for her she didn't see the point in it. Why wish for something if you're going to be let down? She'd grown accustomed to whatever life brought her, whether it was beneficial or not, because now she knew better than to try to change fate. What was meant to be, was to meant be, though maybe she should listen to that phase more often. It seemed she only understood the things she wanted to, not what she should.

Still, the blonde scoffed at his statement, unamused with the fact that he thought putting a few convincing sentences together could make her instantly rethink everything she was doing. Prudence knew what she was getting herself into, she knew that the dark fox wanted revenge by ruining the McCall pack, and that was it. That had to be it. Now was not the time to be distracted by a righteous soul when she's about the opposite of that at this point. She swore he was wrong, that it was too late. Redemption at this point was simply a fantasy.

She then begin to laugh a little before she responded while he noticed how her eyes constantly flickered to the stairs, waiting for him to return, and the werewolf figured out that she either feared him or missed him. "Scott, don't even try that with me. It's not going to work. Are you really some clueless, misleading person who believes that there's a hero behind every villain?"

"Oh god no. That's definitely not always the case," Scott let out almost instantly, which made the girl raise her eyebrows, and deciding to take a leap of faith he continued on saying, "I just think that sometimes, we can accidentally love someone the wrong way or do something for the wrong reasons, and that can lead to an unnecessary change within a person."

Suddenly the entertainment from his previous attempts of making her believe what he believed vanished, the faint, taunting grin she had dropping, and it was as if she could physically feel the impact of his words. The human didn't except anything like that to leave his mouth, and she certainly didn't expect to be affected by that. But what did it matter, right? He was just a delusional, lovesick werewolf that knew nothing of her situation. And she loved Void in a manner she should, deeply, wholeheartedly, and she was so sure of that. Though perhaps it was the reasoning part that was directed towards her.

Before either one of them could say anything else, the basement door opening both interrupted their silent, intense stare, but it didn't matter if another syllable was muttered from the girl because Scott McCall got the proof he needed. There was something good in her. It was buried deep down and he could tell she hated it, but God was it there, her empathy was there, and she could care again — he knew it. Although he was afraid that no matter what he did, she wouldn't be able to see it due to the fact her love for the destructive creature blocked it out. At least he could try though, to try save her, since let's face it, he was Scott McCall and he had to save everyone.

All of the surprise was erased from her once she locked eyes with the malevolent being, and once again Prudence was reassured that what they had was real and more importantly right, the softening of his facial expression only adding to the proof. And when she kissed him when he got closer, it was utterly calming, nothing else or any problem daring to break through. So, really, the alpha was only half correct. She was making some choices for the wrong reasons, but their love was shockingly as pure as the kind he has felt and is feeling right now for his current girlfriend. Yes, it was crazy, but honestly what wasn't anymore?

When they broke apart, the human breathless, Void turned his head to the side to look at his enemy, sending him a smirk that the raven-haired boy truly despised. Unfortunately for the fox there wasn't enough time to torment the true alpha further, because Malia, Kira, Liam, and even Mason put their heads together and managed to find out Scott's location. They were on their way, hoping to find their leader alive, and they would if they hurried fast enough. At least there were more obstacles to go through and more chaos to be made though.

"Come on, Chīsana Hato. We have to leave," He told her after putting his gaze back on her lovely face he adores, his hand finding its way to interlace with hers, "The rest of them are coming and now's not the time to fight them."

"Okay." She nodded and followed him up the stairs, ignoring the hurt boy they were abandoning, but the confusion within her wasn't going to easily go away. It was going stay, making questions appear, and possibly determine the next move the blonde was going to make. Though for now she would stick with her decision and simply be his partner in the schemes the trickster conjured up.

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