Chapter 5

7 3 0

Prompt: Write seven poems dealing with the seven deadly sins. You can't use their names.

Who am I?

I am a feeling you have,

Well, I'm more of a desire really.

I love making someone nervous,

I love doing my job.

It's so fun toying with people,

hearts, mind,

All mine to play with.

Who am I?

Who am I?

I am extremely fat,

I love to eat,

I'll make you eat more than your fill,

Make your guts expand.

I know food will make you happy,

It makes me happy.

Now, I'm bored, so...

Who am I?

Who am I?

I love things.

I want everything.

Oh, you have a ring?

I want it.

Or one like it.

I love money,

It can buy me everything I could ever want.

And I want,

more things.

Who am I?

Who Am I?

I am a slow-moving thing,

I hate moving fast.

I hate moving in general.

I do love lounging around doing nothing.

That's my favorite thing.

Who am I?

Who am I?

I love war.

War is my strong suite,

in war, I am needed.

My anger, my vigulence, my pride, my strength.

Who am I?

Who am I?

I turn any person into a green-eyed monster.

I hate someone because they have something I don't.

The author of this wears a ring.

I want one!

Why don't I have one!?

Who am I?

who am I?

I am the strongest of the stong.

The leader of the weak.

I am better than you,

in every aspect.

I excel in everything.

Everything I do is perfection,

you must be very jealous of me.

Who am I?

Who am I? Answers.

poem 1: Lust

poem 2: gluttony

poem 3: greed

poem 4: Sloth

poem 5: wrath

poem 6: envy

poem 7: pride

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