Chapter 4

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Prompt: School memory...

When I was in fifth grade and my best friend at the time picked me up bridal style and placed me in my crushes arms.

Who dropped me like a pile of bricks. I can still feel the searing pain in my spine. I remember how it hurt to walk for weeks. I hated both my best friend and crush for many days. I remember getting over my crush on him.

I can see myself ignoring the pain and walked it off so he wouldn't know how much my spine hurt. I remember going to bed that night and finding it hard to get out of bed the next morning.

Even now I have back pains in the spot when I landed all those years ago. I have never told my best friend how much it hurt. How her actions physically hurt me. Why couldn't she just leave me alone? Why did she have to put me in that situation? And now years and years have come and that "Friend" is making stupid decisions like drinking and driving, she's even trying to get me to fall into peer pressure. I hope she can one day learn that everything she does has consequences. Maybe she'll learn when she puts someone in the grave.

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