Chapter 11

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Suddenly the room started to cheer. Jake looked around confused, as well as Dan, Phil and Molly. "wait they're cheering? But why?" Dan asked me.

"You think I know dude! They're just cheering for us" She replied. A spotlight must have been on them as everyone was looking at them.

"They're's no way they would support us....Would they??" Phil asked. He had never felt support then his brother.

"HELLO everyone? I'd like add something please!" The rooms cheering stopped. The whole room stopped cheering and paid their attention to Jake once more.

"I'm sorry I just don't get it," Jake started. "How in the world are you happy about this. I mean COME ON!! First the man left me for his new boyfriend.." Jake kept listing reasons

"I got this," Molly said suddenly get up. She made her way to the middle table where Jake was still held up by his friend, the room becoming full of whispers. 

Molly made herself to the middle of the room and on the table. Once the chatter calmed down. Jake was about to speak up but Molly beat him to it.

"You know Jake he wouldn't have left you if you were an actual friend to him. Let me explain. Ever since you and Dan became friends years ago you've never been a good friend.  You've treated Dan more like then circus animals then friends. They were forced to follow your command, and never have their freedom . Dan was brave a knew better and left.

Jake let out a little grunt. "LET ME FINISH!" He then spoke to the crowd again. "Then I gave Dan a chance to redeem himself, but he refused. So I went to Phil's house to see them KISSING!!"

Molly, getting angrier by the second, spoke up once more. "Yes that action of stalking them made you break your legs. Dan and Phil took you to the hospital, when they didn't have to and got you to safety. Yet you still hate them?? For no reason?!"

"I HAVE MY REASONS DAMN IT!" Jake yelled. His faced flushed red with anger.

"THEN WHAT?" WHY DO YOU HAVE TO HATE THESE PEOPLE WHO'VE DONE NOTHING BUT BE NICE AND HELP YOU?!?!" If the room wasn't silent before it was now. Both Dan and Phil walked over to the table to get a closer look.

Jake saw this to my advantage and took it. Suddenly, he grabbed Phil by his shirt.  "THIS man is not only a sinner, but took my best friend away" A punch hit Phil's face. He squealed slightly at the pain.

"Got me caught for being me by my father" another punch.

"AND RUINED MY SISTER" One last punch, this one harder then the rest. "Now I'm getting revenge."

Jake threw Phil to another table. Molly gasped, and her and Dan ran towards the now silently crying. Both molly and Dan pushed Jake's friends to the ground to get to Phil. Dan embraced Phil in a hug. "A black eye should come and he has a bloody nose." Dan said. Molly nodded.

"Don't think were done yet!" The friend holding Jake up whistled. The boys Molly and Jake pushed were up and ready for battle. The two kids got Molly and Dan and kept them pinned to their bodies tight. A third one grabbed Phil. 

As Jake laughed in the background, Molly and Dan struggled to get out of the grip of the two boys. The one with Phil threw Phil back to the ground and kicked Phil in the stomach. Before anymore damage could be done Molly, with tears in her eyes screamed. "DEAR LORD JAKE IF YOU SAY YOU LOVE ME THEN YOU SURE AREN'T ACTING LIKE IT!! LET US GO!!"

Suddenly Jake stopped laughing. He finally saw the hurt in Molly's eyes. "Let them go." Jake simply said. The fighters let them go and back off. The friend holding him up still handed him his crutches. Molly look I know-"

She cut him off. "NO! You have no right to say anything to me. Now Dan, Phil and I are leaving. Don't bother talking to me at all for a while. Lets get out of here guys." Dan nodded and the rwo helped Phil up. Then they left the room.

(Wow would you look at that I uploaded its like I decided to be productive today. I hope you like it cause the main story is almost over soon. I'm gonna have like one shots soon those might be fun so leave me suggestions for that thanks! Well that's about it BBBBBBYYYYEEEE MMMMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY PPPPPPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPPPLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE that felt weird wow0

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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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Our secrets (A highschool phan fic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें