Chapter 8

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Dan eyes met Phils shockingly, Phil on the edge of crying."Oh my god you weren't supposed to read can leave if you like..." A tear slipped from Phils eye as he went and sat on his bed. Suddenly he yanked the book out of Dans hand and chucked it at the trash can. "GOD DAMN IT! DON'T YOU WANNA LEAVE?! DIDN'T I WEIRD YOU OUT ENOUGH!" He yelled tears falling fast from his face, knowing he had messed up.

"Not with those blue eyes I'm not." Dan said. Phils face went from crying to a state of shock. His face was red from crying but you could also tell his was blushing.

"W-What?" Was all he could manage to squeeze out of his mouth. Dan looked at him with his brown eyes and reoeated what he said.

"I- don't get it though. You never liked me before, I'm a loser, a geek, I have ONE friend. You just met me Yesterday. Your joking around with me. Its not real. None of its real. I bet you don't even like me. Or at least you don't know. I mean after all you read and everything I wouldn't be surprised. I'm sorry you saw that." Dan looked back at Phil a smile on his face.

"Phil I will never hate you. Sure I've only known you for two days yes BUT those two days have been so weird. Like what guy who you've been a asshole to for 4 years for Jake the worst guy in the world push his enemy out of the way just to save a guy from I don't know a few hits! Then take him to the nurse." He looked back a Phil who's head was still hung low. "You still think I'm lying don't you?" Phil nodded a tear falling again. Dan thought for a sec and then a idea popped up.

"I know how I can prove my trust!" He blurted out again. This might have been the riskiest thing he might have done.

"What can-" Phil tried to say but was cut off by s pair of lips kissing his. His eyes widened but soon closed as he pressed in the kiss. They both blushed hard as the kiss ended Phil's eyes gleaming and Dan's smile widened.

"And THATS how I proved I liked you Phil Lester. Now do you believe me?" Phil nodded and smiled.

I just don't get it. Aren't you straight? Why did you kiss me?"

"Well, I'm bi actually so I can like both! (Is that his sexuality? I don't know I'm sorry! Please correct me!) an I know that I really like you."

"Then why did Jake make fun of me when his ex best friend was bi?"

"He didn't know that's why. In fact no one knows so you are the first one to know."

"Nice way to come out then eh? Kissing me?"

"Yeah I guess. You weren't believing me I didn't know what to do. Worked though. So how about that Mario Kart?"

"Yeah let's do this! I'm gonna kick your butt at it!"

"Sure we'll see how that goes!" With that, then went and played Mariokart an it was a great time.


"WHATS GONNA HAPPEN  IF JAKE FINDS OUT?!" Phil suddenly blurted out in the middle of a race. Dan paused the game and looked at Phil. 

"What about the kiss? Oh its fine he-" He couldn't finsih his sentence. A burst came in the door. 

"WHO KISSED WHO?! Finally the moment I've been waiting for!" It was Jake.

"What the fuck are you doing in Phils house?! And we were talking about his BROTHER!! He kissed your ASS!" It was a lie but a roast. He liked it and got Phil to chuckle.

"What does that have ANYTHING to do with that sentence?"Dan knew he had to finish what he started. 

"Yeah he roasted you SO HARD! He called you a damn loser who picks on other people cause he hates himself like every bully to ever step foot on this planet!" He then realized that Martyn had said "He can kiss my ass" It would have made sense. Jake noticed this too.

"I think you mean I can kiss his ass but I'd rather not. I wanna kick yours instead!" He was about to charge at Dan but he was pulled back by the shirt. It was his brother. 

"Your not kicking any ass today! You're lucky I don't kick yours!" Jake looked back and saw Martyn his eyes beating down at his. "Now I recommend you leave. It; be better for the best of us, and DON'T COME BACK!!" He let go of his shirt and Jake bolted! "That should take care of him, now who is your Friend Phillip?" He brushed it off like it was nothing. 

"Oh um, this is Dan. Dan this is Martyn, My brother" Dan waved his hand at him.

"So hes the one you kissed eh?" Martyn said smirking. Phils face went cherry red along with Dan's. 

"Yeah he kissed me first though." Phil said making Dan Blush harder. A laugh was hear in the window. They all turned to see Jake on a ladder stairing at them. 

"Wait till I tell the whole SCHOOL! Its over for you Lester, tomorrow you're gonna be sorry you ever set foot in Blunderville secondary school! (Bear with me I ran out of ideas!). All the redness from Phils face went away leaving with a pale face.

(Alright guess I have to tell you why I missed last week of uploading...I dropped my school laptop and it broke and it took forever to get it fixed cause on Monday and Tuesday I was at the dentist getting baby teeth pulled. Then the reason it came out so late today was cause I had a project due on Friday and I'm almost done. Were presenting but we food so eh I guess. I'm gonna fail in front of the class. Yay...The maze runner is a good book read it. Alright I can ramble more but its ten so BYE MY PPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS Also watch toradora ALRIGHT BYE)

Our secrets (A highschool phan fic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें