Chapter 1

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The first bell rang on the first day of 12th grade. Phil Lester rushed through the halls to his locker. One more year of this awful place and I'm out of here! Phil thought as he started to place his combination into his locker. He placed his stuff in the locker and made it look nice. He grabbed his stuff for his first block before a bully grabbed his collar if his shirt. "HEY FAGGOT! What boy you gonna fuck today?" He says while the friends he has behind him laughed at him. "None but thanks." Phil brushed it to the side. He was use to it by now. Ever sense he came out all the way back in 9th grade the same guys made fun of him. Jake and his friends. He hated almost all of them The Key word being Almost. There was one kid that he hated that he loved. His name was Dan. He didn't know what it was. Maybe it was his looks. Maybe cause he was popular. Who knows? All he knew that he loved that boy. He also knew that Dan didn't like him. He'd properly end up one of the 50 girls who chased after him. He knew this. "DAN!" Jake called out interrupting the laughing fit. "Take care of this kid. I need to go get e something from the vending machine!" Dan nods (Your schools have vending machines right? Hope its not just mine!) Jake takes his buddies and him and walks off only after dropping Phil on the ground.

"Hey you ok?" Dan says to Phil and reaches out his hand. "Yeah I'm fine. Thanks for the help." Dan nods again. "You should head to class. Bell's gonna ring any minute. See ya I guess?" Phil's face turns a little pink and nods. Dan chuckles then runs off. Phil grabs his stuff and heads to class.

He didn't even pay attention in class. All he thought about is that conversation in the hall. He remembered every movement in that moment. It made his day! He was still thinking about it till he heard a door open. "Mr. Dan Howell You're late." The teacher called out. "I know Mr. Ruble. Guys needed me for something." "I don't care what they needed you for that has no excuse, now go sit next to Mr. Lester. Please." He nods his head. The class "ohhhs" him and he brushes it off and takes his seat. Phil tried not to stare but sometimes found himself glancing. In one of his glancing fits he was thrown a piece of paper. "Text me- random number"

(I just finished my first fanfic and publishing this in the same night. This was drafted forever ago I never got around to finishing it. If your here from my other fan fic Welcome back! Nice to see you again friends. If ya new...Welcome to a shit hole that is my wattpad.....We have refreshments over to the left. Well I will upload soon Maybe....who knows but thats it so...BYE MY PEOPLESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS)

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