Chapter One

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Alan's POV

I woke up one alone, once again. I turned from left to right in my bedroom sighing as I tossed the sheet off my body and stood up. The white duvet was kicked onto the floor and I picked it up just tossing it on the bed. It wasn't like anyone would be over anytime soon. I walked over to the large window that faced out looking over the skyline of Los Angeles. It was beautiful here, but it felt empty.

This whole city felt lonely since I wasn't one to put myself out there. I wasn't very kind to those around me, it just wasn't my personality. I pushed people away as soon as they tried to get close, besides the one person I could trust. Vic. To an extent. I've known him since I was eighteen, when my business hit off. I had created something better than Apple and Microsoft combined.

I knew I was smart and I put it to my advantage. Everything I had was put into this and here I was today. Making millions by taking a phone call.

I left my bedroom and headed to my kitchen. The big stairs down seemed to take up most of the space in here. The high ceilings made the whole loft seem like there was more in this place then there was. It was big and it was just me.No one was allowed inside unless I was having some business party. Other than that it was just me, myself and I.

The kitchen was wide, with an open plan and looked into the living room, along with many huge window that looks outside. I was on the top floor with the most immaculate view. It was the best part about this place.

I made my cup of coffee and sat out on my balcony while the warm breeze grazed over my skin. It was a beautiful day and it was only 8am.

I hoped today would be a good day.

I stepped into the elevator as I always did at 9am sharp. I set my briefcase down as I straightened out my tie making sure I looked up to my own standards. I refused to leave my house looking like everyday was the walk of shame.

I arrived to the first floor and headed out of the building. Vic was standing there by the black Mercedez. It was a four door and I thought it was slick and besides, Vic deserved to drive something nice. He gave me a nod and opened up the back door for me. I got in, setting my briefcase to the side.

Vic got into the driver seat and began our drive.

I didn't say much during the drive. I wasn't much of a talker anyway. It just wasn't my cup of tea. I spoke when needed, other than that I barely said a thing. I know, unusually for a business man but I didn't mind too much.

"Uh Al," Vic said gaining my attention.

I met his eyes in the rearview mirror, "Yes?"

"Is it's possible for me to get this weekend off?"

I looked at him and thought for a moment. He was a hard worker, he was never late and he did everything I could ask for. Vic was a prime example of what well put together looked like. He was great at his job and he was my best friend. The least I could do was give him some time off.

"Sure, that's fine. But, I need you from seven in the evening to eleven. Other than that it's fine with me."

I saw his eyes light up. I wish mine would do that, but mine haven't had much since He left...

We arrived at my building, Vic opening up my door like normal. I got out, taking my briefcase with me of course. I turn to Vic and give him a smile.

"Make sure to remind me about you being off this weekend, okay? And remember seven to eleven."

"Yes Sir."

I gave him a smile before heading inside, he'd be up soon after he parked the car. I took the elevator straight up to the eighth floor. I got off and headed to my secretary's desk.

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