Chapter 8 - Confessions in the Night

Start from the beginning

            He stood back up and began to leave, his robe floating behind him. Vienna inhaled sharply then blurted, “Professor, I’ve something to tell you. Before later that is…”

            “Yes Miss Marques,” turning on the spot to see her. She threw the sheet back and rose gently not to interrupt her screaming bones, carefully making her way toward him. Holding on tightly to the end of the bed, she addressed him, “Sir, this summer,” – an expression tightened his face, he pulled his wand out and pointed to all the doors – “er…? No, not about the things you sent me. But around the same time as you did send the owl, and then a week later on my birthday, I received two unmarked packages. Honestly sir, I did not know who they were from. Foolishly, I assumed it was you.”

            “What were these things, Miss Marques? And why did you think they were from me,” he demanded; gesturing for her to sit down on the bed, he walked back to Vienna so he could hear what she had to say.

            Her cheeks were burning at his inquiry, but she took the seat. She willed herself to follow his instructions from class, she focused on nothing but a brick wall in her mind’s eye. Feeling secure to retell the events, she met his hard eyes and spoke in a stony tone that matched his own, “Sir, why should I not think it was you? After all, one of the parcels was a personal sized cauldron, the ones you required for your 7th year students. It is the one that convinced me it was you, it arrived on my birthday. The time previously was a dress, quite stunning to be honest. The sender acquired my measurements from Madame Malkin’s shop and had her make it for me. Each one had a note, unsigned. When I received the cauldron, it suggested that it accompanied the gift that Eliza got me, a box of flasks and vials. Something you, the potions master, would gift.”

            Vienna fought the urge to let her mental shield collapse as she didn’t want him to see what the note had said specifically.  His eyes searching her mind for anything else relevant to her story. And then he peered at her, speaking carefully, “That was an excellent attempt, Miss Marques. But I saw your expression in admiration of the dress, amongst other things. I even saw bits of what the note implied; the one that came with the dress.”

            Vienna turned her head away, muttering at herself. She felt like a complete idiot, thinking she could’ve hidden anything from her professor. As she sat in her shame, she felt on imprint on her cheek, Professor Snape was caressing her face delicately with the back of his fingers. She tried to ignore it, but when she felt hot breath on her ear, she flushed. Vienna’s skin prickled as he whispered into her ear, “It wasn’t from me… either of them. You are indeed very beautiful… I would be blind to think you weren’t. But, it isn’t right.”

            Snape tugged her face so he could see her. Her eyes glowed, reflected the small tears welled in the corners. He wiped them with his thumbs and just looked at her for a few moments, as if seeing her for the first time. Vienna watched him as he watched her: Soft creases formed on his brow line, his pencil thin lips were barely parted, letting out small spasms of breath. His wan complexion glowed soft, flawless, enigmatically.  

            Vienna continued to visually trace the contours of his face. He truly was magnificent to her; she simply could not hide it. Knowing Madame Pomfrey was in the other room and could walk in made her heart pound in her ears, although the truth is she couldn’t as the man before her enchanted the doors. A surge of adrenaline made her begin to pant barely audible rapid gasps. Her fingers flew up to his long black locks, tangling themselves. She pulled him closing the small gap that separated them, meeting his mouth with hers. Snape reacted instantaneously by parting his lips to accept her kisses. Their mouths massaged each-others with the same carnal lust a feline takes to prey, as if this man was her only sustenance she’d been bereft. Without warning the buzz she was emitting ceased as if a light bulb had popped its fuse. Professor Snape was holding her at arm’s length, both grasping for air from deprived lungs. He swallowed hard and looked at her, sadness inherent on her features.

            “I cannot do this, it isn’t right to betray your innocence in this manner,” he let out in a soothing voice. Vienna struggled to find her own voice, she was afraid it may betray her. She threw up her hands in surrender, stammering.

            The man placed a single finger softly on her lips, hushing her. She shook her head and gently pushed his hand aside holding it to her cheek. She looked deeply into him and confessed, “Sir, you only just said that I was of age. Old enough to enjoy alcoholic beverages or whatever I pleased. It’s what one does with the responsibilities that matter because they have to deal with the consequences that follow. Professor, I really like you. A lot! When I first lay eyes on you, I was 11 years old, and this feeling in my belly” - she moved her hands to her stomach as if grasping rocks in each upward – “ignited like fire. When the bloody sorting hat yelled Ravenclaw, I was silently let down. But through the last 6 years, it pleased me to please you with my work. I didn’t want to come off as some pretentious school girl at all!

            “I have always been this scowling girl that you see. Every now and then I have a laugh sure, but even Eliza jokes that I should be Slytherin. But this girl, who started out merely crushing on her educator? The silly fervor has grown, and Sir, I can hardly contain it anymore. I am almost certain I am in love!”

            “My dear child, I am not saying I am not attracted to you. What a lie that would be. I just cannot be the one who ruins you. I want you to work alongside me, be my companion. But –“he cut of her attempt to interrupt him, sliding his hands down to hold her hands in his own – “I am hoping we keep a working relationship for some time to come. I am not saying you and I will never be. We just will not be at this time. There is so much you do not know about me, sweet child. You must be privy to this knowledge of who Severus Snape is, before you can truly admit your feelings for me. It is the one thing that could either shine or dim the light you see me in. Do you understand?”

            Y-yes, Sir,” she answered crestfallen.

            “Good,” he kissed her on the cheek. “Go on, get back into bed, it’s late, and I have to release the shield on the doors so you can receive your pain remedy. I want you to rest.”

            She crawled back to the head and pulled her legs under the sheets, and lay on her side with one hand under her head. Snape smoothed then tucked her in, stroked the girl tenderly on her face once more. He took his wand out and undid the charms and went to the door where Madame Pomfrey stormed out nearly half an hour before, and rapped on the glass window. Vienna heard him tell the woman he was sorry he’d reacted in the manner he had, and that Vienna needed the pain remedy. She did not hear the woman’s reply, but their footsteps moving back to her. Madame Pomfrey stepped up next to her offering her a bottle of liquid. Vienna lifted herself up again and drank it all, she saw her professor monitor from the foot end.

            “That’s a good girl. Now you need to sleep. And when you wake, you may leave.” Madame Pomfrey went around Snape, patted him on his back, and went back to her sleeping quarters. Severus, pleased with the prescription, bowed his head low to Vienna, “Goodnight Miss Marques.”

            “Goodnight professor. I’ll come to you tomorrow,” she informed. He nodded, twirled about half face where he stood, floating to the exit like a murky apparition rent in the night. Vienna stared into the void he left behind entranced until the serum succeeded, falling asleep.

The Apprentice of Potions (A Severus Snape FanFic) *Finished*Where stories live. Discover now