Urie x reader: Perfection (lemony-ish)

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This contains mature content!!! You have been warned!))

Wow. Just wow. What a life you were living. It was hard. But you managed to get through it. But, unfortunately, every battle leaves scars that force you to remember everything. Everything you had to go through. In some ways, these scars pushed you ahead and helped you to become stronger. Other times however, they were a horrible remind of everything wrong you did and had ever felt about yourself. In the past, you were a prime example of this. You could feel the guilt and anguish of your past experiences and outlooks consuming you. Every moment the hurt grew stronger as you suffered alone. Until a light came into your life. A light in the form of a creature shrouded in darkness. An incubus. An incubus who taught you to love yourself.
You remembered the moment you met him and looked back on it fondly. It had started with a wonderous garden. Flowers surrounding you. In every direction there were plants from all over the world. You remembered the feeling of awe that washed over you. But also the jealousy. These plants looked so gorgeous and delicate without even the slightest bit of effort. They were something you could only wish to be. However, before you could delve further into your self loathing, a melodious voice found its way to your heart in the form of a whisper. "Hello beautiful." You has quickly spun around to face a man that could only be described as stunning. He had fluffy looking orange hair with a small braid on one side, it matched perfectly with the set of amber eyes. The image of perfection. Perfection that left you a blushing mess.
You couldn't even begin to form words, especially with the way he was looking at you. Like you were the only person in the world. Like you were beautiful. You wished that he was lying so this could be easier, but you saw nothing but truth in his eyes. Nothing but truth as he kissed you. He had watched you from afar for so long. He had watched you suffer and hate yourself for absolutely nothing. He had made it his personal goal to make you feel better. To love you. You could tell by the passion in his kiss. The way his hands wandered expertly over the most sensitive parts of your body. And especially how his eyes would never leave yours, even while he was pleasuring you.
In no time you had been undressed, left exposed for his eyes to see. For his lips to cherish every part of you. You soon became blinded by the pure bliss you were feeling. The love he was showing you. Slowly you began to feel loved. Until you felt him stop and stare at your legs. There laid the scars of a battle you had fought long ago. Scars you were extremely uncomfortable with and insecure about. When he stopped, it felt like your heart did too. You were afraid he had changed his view of you. Like your beauty had diminished. You could feel the tears about to fall until you felt gentle kisses being gently placed on your leg. You looked down only to be met by the same gaze. The gaze you had grown to love.
For the next few hours, you had stayed in his Eden. Him, whispering words of love and care to you. You, slowly starting to believe every word and viewing yourself in a more humane way. That night was passionate indeed. Filled with kisses, wandering touched, marks being bestowed upon gentle skin, and sweet releases that finalized your feelings for each other. Though, the time had to come eventually. The time for you to part ways. With one final kiss, you woke up in your own bed, alone.
You had believed it was all a dream, that Urie Sogami was a man you had made up to cope with your loneliness. Until, that is, the very same man showed up at your door with a bouquet of flowers, a genuine smile that was made just for you upon his face. In that moment you had realized that it wasn't just a dream. He was real. His love for you was real. The broad grin you had worn all of last night made its way upon your lips once more. He matched your looked and greeted you with words you never thought your needed. That you never thought would help you. "Hello beautiful."

Hope you like it!!

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