Shiki x reader: Take. Them. Off.

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"You heard me. Take. Them. Off." You ordered. Your beloved boyfriend had decided to wear your slippers today. Your favorite (f/c) slippers. The pair your grandparents had given to you when you were a child. YOUR slippers. If that didn't empathize their importance, then I don't know what will.
"But angel~" "No buts Shiki! You know those are my favorite slippers!" You scolded, though it came out as more of a whining sound. "Don't be so dramatic. They're only slippers after all~" He sang, obviously enjoying your annoyance. But you were way beyond annoyance at this point. You were raging. In a fit of anger, you pouncing at him with a ferocious growl. Well it really sounded like a scared cat but in your imagination it was ferocious. He fell back with a yelp and suddenly you were on top of him. "Quite bold of you, dearest~" "Take them off." You threatened, placing your hands on either side of his head.
You growled a bit when you saw the smirk on his face, it hadn't even faltered. That was what annoyed you the most. His ability to remain mischievous no matter what. It was a trait you both adored and hated, depending on what he had done that day. "Give them b-" you begun, until you felt his hands on your waist and you saw the look in his eyes. "Don't give me that look!" She pleaded. That look. The one where he looked at you like you were the most special thing in the world. His eyes were full of all the love he had for you and indeed admiration. "How can I not though. You look so ravishing when you're like this." "Angry?" "No. Determined." He smiled up at you, not one of his creepy smiles, a genuine one. Why now of all times? You were supposed to be angry with him.
You looked away, obviously embarrassed by the situation. How could you stay angry with him when he was like this? You were so immersed in your thoughts, you had failed to notice that he had taken his jacket off. Four, beautiful black wings sprouted from his back, adorned with the softest of feathers. They had come to wrap around your form, giving you their warmth and at the same time pulling you closer to their owner. "Are you still angry with me?" He asked, pouting a bit. You thought for a moment. Were you angry? Your anger had seemingly disappeared once his little show had begun. "No." You stated, now angry at yourself for allowing your emotions to be swayed so easily. It was worth it to see the smile he had on his face at the moment. "Wonderful!" He rejoiced, bringing his head to rest in the crook of your neck. "I love you. You know that?" He whispered, placing a small kiss at the base of your neck. A small smile graced your features as you nestled your head in your hair. "I love ya too...but if you don't give me my slippers back, I'll pluck some of your feathers."

Hope you like it!!

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