Lindo x Precognition! Reader

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Precognition=the power to see the future))

Everyone on this planet has something they loath about themselves, but also something they love no matter how long it takes to admit it to themselves. Your "gift" was both the feature you despised and the part you couldn't bare to love without. It allowed you to see what others could only dream of seeing, but also sights that could give the strongest of devils a nightmare.
Reserved. That is what you had to be in order to survive this harsh, yet interesting world. This rule you had inflicted upon yourself was especially true at Shiko Academy. You had sensed something strange had been happening there far before you had saw it with your power. Of course you knew of the grimoire as well. You knew far more than the devils and vampires, who longed to possess it knew. This kept you entertained. Well, for a little while at least. The events that played out in your mind, was exactly the same as in real life. This quickly became like seeing the same film over and over again. A very very uneventful film.
You knew what was to happen. The vampires would win the grimoire and the earth would become their domain. You were prepared for it. But, it didn't happen. Something changed. Or rather, someone had changed. Lindo Tachibana had entered the scene. As soon as he did, your life became much more interesting. He could change what you saw. He had the power to achieve, quite frankly, the impossible. He put the devils to shame on many occasions, and this had excited you.
At first, it was mere interest. Though, as time went on, you found yourself becoming enamored with the red haired male. You were entranced by his existence to put it simply. Your feelings were complex. In the past, when you were interested in a person you just glimpses into their future to learn as much as you could about them. But him, you couldn't bring yourself to do it. You wanted to learn about him yes, but you were fearful of just what you would find once you saw.
Unbeknownst to you, he had also become quite fond of you. You were always quiet and calculations, your eyes peering thoughtfully over the students. He wanted to see what you saw. But, much like you, he didn't want you finding out about his secret. But, that would all change in a wave of fate. Well, fate being your will. You wanted to help him prevail. And so you did.
You had helped him, not only with keeping his darling little sister safe, but also discovering his own self worth. One part that you adored about your gift, was the wisdom it gave you. You were able to inspire him and prove to him just how amazing he was. He could create his own future. That was a gift even greater than yours. The power to grow and change at your own pace. And most importantly, he had the power to make you flustered.
For all the help you had given him, he repaid it in full. He had given you something even you couldn't have foreseen. Something that filled the unbearable gap in your sole. Something that would keep you entertained for all eternity. He had given you true happiness. Along with your first kiss.

Hope you like it!!

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