Black Lives Matter?

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Who even says that? It is so rude! You're inferring that somehow, in some way, black lives used to not matter! And by making this big noise about it, you're setting black people up for even more discrimination because it labels them as whiners. Not cool. Think about it. How would you feel if someone started this big thing about "White Lives Matter?" It would be so utterly demeaning! Black people have every right to be proud of their heritage, so stop condescending to them and patting their backs, saying, "It's ok. Even though your heritage is so... lame... You can still be... um.. Proud(?) of it." Start treating them like equals and stop acting like they can't rise in life without your help and your money! They can! They are just the same as the rest of us, Ok? This discrimination thing is only hindering them, because it is giving the hidden message that they actually can't stand on their own two feet. It's rude and counterproductive. Stop.
Another thing that I think is really rude is calling black people African Americans. Any black people I know prefer not to be called African American because it makes them look like they're not equal to the majority which calls themselves Whites, and not North European Americans, Caucasian Americans, ect. Being called Black is a sign that we respect them as equal to whites, and that we believe that they are not these pathetic hypersensitive whiners that some SJW wants us to believe.
Black people can be criminals the same as any other race.
When a black criminal gets off scot free because of his skin color, we have a social problem. A criminal is a criminal, and a danger to society. They need to be corrected or they will continue to cause problems, usually ever increasing problems. White criminals are punished, Native American criminals are punished, ect, so again, it gives all black people a bad name to leave black criminals unpunished. Society should be equal. Equal justice and equal reward for all.
Did you know that black people who apply themselves get ahead in life way faster than white people? A part of that is because of discrimination laws, but I think a large part is because black people have an innate charm and joie de vivre which makes them an asset to the work environment. Stop patronizing. Black people don't need a piggy back ride, they just need to be treated as equals.

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