Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

In which Evangeline Wakes Up

Evangeline had always hated hospitals, she'd spent too much time at them whilst she was young. Her mother was constantly being emitted to the hospital because of Evangeline, her mothers frail nerves couldn't handle seeing teddy bears walk around the room by their selves, nor could her poor nerves handle seeing characters climb from the TV and bow before them. Every time her curse was used, her mother would faint at the sight when an object became animated.

Most children have a birthday party for their fifth birthday. Evangeline was never invited to the parties, the mothers were too scared of the curse child. So, instead Evangeline would stand in her front garden and listen to the music that was played and the other children having fun, and created her own party with her bears and, of course, her imaginary puppy, Howl.

However, Evangeline's fifth birthday was spent in a hospital that specialized in mental health. Her mother had booked her into have a mental examination and scans of her brain. Although her mother believed it was a curse, she believed that the doctors would be able to do something that would cure her of it.

Evangeline could remember sitting in the waiting room, her mothers knitting needles clinking together at a rapid speed, a clear sign that she was nervous, with other people, strange looking people, women with crazed looks in their eyes, men that looked as if they hadn't spent in a month. All of them stared off into space, each one sat with a man in a white lab coat, and at any sign of them moving, more men came to assist the other.

When she was called for her examination, she was taken into a small room, escorted by the men in white coats and strange pieces of material covering their mouths. Her mother didn't come into the doctors office with her, instead she stiffly patted her daughters head and left the building. The first doctor was awfully nice, he gave her milk and biscuits, he even let her draw for a short amount of time. Then he began asking her questions. Did she see things that weren't really there? did she hear voices in her head?

They also asked her questions about her life. Everything was in order until Evangeline became bored, as little children do, and lost concentration, so they allowed her to play with a teddy bear. That's where things became frightening for Evangeline. The teddy, as it had done a million times before, came to life and began playing with Evangeline. Although a normal sight to her, the doctor was terrified, fled the room.

Evangeline was admitted to the hospital for several days, locked in a room on her own. The doctors all wore strange pieces of material over their mouths and white coat. None of them came too close, none of them stayed long. The only reason Evangeline was allowed to leave was because nobody wanted to go in the room with a child that made things come to life.

Over the years, Lydia took her daughter to several hospitals, wanting an explanation and cure for her daughters curse. Evangeline became wise to it and tried to make the best of the situation. When she was called into the examination room, instead of answering questions she would make something come to life, scare the doctor, there was no point in prolonging the ordeal, and be locked in a room fro more observations.

She didn't mind hospitals particularly, it was the men in white coats that scared her, they all looked the same. Clones of one another, and also the fact that they could over power her in the blink of an eye. Where their were men in white coats, there were more crazy people, people that couldn't tell the difference between reality and fantasy. People that did odd things and looked particular. It also meant that she would be locked in a sterile white room with people that looked at her like a monster.

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