Screw you, Jack. I'll make sure that you'll go down in flames.

I fake him out with my sword, making him clash weapons with me. Taking my chance, I bring my fist around and punch him as hard as I could right in the face. Jack falls backwards, hitting the rails as he held his face with a hiss.

"Think again, Jack." I spit before turning from him, running down the stairs and towards the cannon. He wants things to be interesting? Fine, so be it. Dodging everyone in my way, I finally get to the cannons, loading up another cannonball and getting the match.

Since everyone was on our ship, I didn't have to worry about killing anyone over on the Free Heart. I light the match and put it against the fuse, lighting that as well. I take a step back and turn towards Jack, seeing him giving me the dirtiest glare possible.

With a smirk, I taunted him with a wave, looking down to see the fuse end. The cannon shot off with a loud boom, making me hold my ears from the loudness of it. I watched with glee as the Free Heart exploded even more, the ship beginning to sink from the damage.

Jack shouted profanities at me and I smirked at him again, twirling the blade in my hand around tauntingly. I start making my way over to him again, fighting pirates as I went. I would slice their legs or knock them out, but I would never deliver a final blow.

Jack watched me with a glare as I disabled many of his pirates. I finally made it back up the stairs, giving Jack a satisfied grin. "You call that worthless struggling? I don't think so." I say to him and he narrows his eyes.

"You little-" he gets cut off whenever I let out a gasp, a sword coming around my neck and holding me in place, unable to move. My heart started to pound in my head as I turned my eyes slowly, seeing one of Jack's men holding me. Where did he come from?

"You shouldn't be badmouthing our Captain like that." the pirate growls and tightens his grip, making me wince in pain. Jack begins to snicker, facing me with an amused look. "Look at how the tables turn. It's only nice when you're the one winning, isn't it?" Jack asks and I give him a harsh glare.

"Bring her over here." Jack orders and the pirate nods his head, dragging me over to the ledge, where Jack was standing. "Why don't we throw her overboard? The only way she'd be able to escape you right now, was if she killed you. And I know that she won't do that. It's not in her character." Jack says teasingly and I feel my eyes widen.

I struggle against the pirate, but it does no good for me as I'm forced onto the ledge, the ocean just beneath me. My heart is pounding in my chest as fear builds up within me. I can't go down like this. Not after that fight I put up.

"Come on, little girl. Or are you too afraid to fight back now, since you know your situation?" Jack taunts me and I feel the pirate holding me begin to push me off the ship, but I push against him, still hanging on for dear life.

My feet were slowly slipping off of the edge and I knew that I had to make a decision quickly. Should I kill someone, or should I let myself be thrown overboard into the ocean?

The pirate was about to give me another shove when I brought my sword back, swinging my body around and bringing my sword down on the pirate. The blade sliced open his chest, blood coming out of it instantly.

My eyes widened in horror as I saw the blood in the air, then the pirate falling to the ground...dead. My body was shaking as I looked down at the dead pirate, not believing what I had done. "I killed someone..." I whisper, stunned beyond belief.

"Impressive, my dear. You killed someone." Jack says, coming up to me beside the railing. "How does it feel? To know that you've taken away someone's life." Jack says lowly and I feel a tear slip from my eye.

Captain Styles *UNEDITED VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now