The pain is just begenning ( Petes P.O.V )

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The doctor walks in and instantly scares the living shit out of us,

" Patrick weve looked through your files and we have some bad news. "

" L-L-like what? "

" Well... I guess its not bad news, while we were looking at the baby, we saw something, we thought it was bad like something that could hurt the baby, but it's actually another baby! Congratulations, You guys are having twins!

At this moment Im estatic, I just dont really know what to do, these are going to be my first children. The doctor cuts my thoughts off by telling us that they are going to be identical girls and they should be due in a couple months, which is very soon, we thought it would be like 6 more months but I guess not, I guess what everyone says about loving someone is true, time flys by.

" Wow. I-I-I cant believe that we're having twin daughters Patrick, They're going to be as beautiful as you! "

" I dont mean to ruin your moment here but we have your paperwork and you are free to go home Patrick. "

Joe and Andy instantly run up to Patrick and I to see what happened.

" What happened??" Andy hugs Patrick and I, with Joe standing behind him hugging us too.

" Everything is okay, we actually got really great news."

" That's a relief. " Joe tells us, " Well is it okay if we come over and you can tell us what happened? "

" Yeah! Meet you at the house. " We walk outside.

I instantly think to myself, I still can't believe that were having twins, I couldn't be more happier. I'm just nervous for Patrick because two kids in his stomach, that's gotta be hard. I mean having one kid in your stomach is hard, and plus we're guys so I mean it's going to be freaking weird to have a kids with no "girly parts" for the kid to come out of.

Patrick and I get into the car and he sorta stares out the window, I didn't really take notice of it. He did this a lot, well I mean does because he obviously still does it

" Hey babe, you okay? You've been kinda quiet since we found out he news."

" Yeah I'm fine, it's just how did we not find this out sooner? I mean were almost 6 months into this pregnancy and were just finding out about the other kid. I'm just beyond confused. " Patrick tells me while looking out the window.

" Yeah I can see why you're weirded out and or confused, But it's a good thing. Two beautiful creations by us. Our own little humans, how great is that. " let's just say I'm good at making things a little more romantic.. Or not.

" I'm just happy that they will be OUR kids, because I love you so much Peter Wentz." Patrick turns to me and does his little lip bite thing and I instantly just melt inside and out.

" Oh my god Patrick stop. " I punch him in the shoulder

" What did I do!! " he does a little puppy dog face.

" That's what you get for being so sexy! " I laugh and look back to the road

" God pete I can't help it, I don't even think I am. " he looks back to the window

" Trust me Patrick, you are. " We turn into the drive way and I saw Joe's car in the driveway

" How'd they beat us here? " I look at Patrick and laugh.

" Pete, you know Joe is a really crazy, fast driver! " Patrick laughs.

" Yeah I know but .. "

" Pete just get over it. " Patrick seriously looks like he's about to cry because he's laughing so hard

I get out of the car and walk around and let Patrick out, because I'm a gentleman, and we walk inside.

" So what actually happened? " Andy asks.

" Well you wanna tell them Patrick or you want me to. " I look at Patrick.

" You can babe. "

" Okay, so we got there and the doctor kinda scared us at first because he came in and said he had bad news, then he told us that they thought they saw something that could hurt the baby but then they found out it was another baby. So long story short we're having twins! "

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