Restart over (Patricks P.O.V)

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Febuary 3, 2013

Hearing Joe and Andy say that they are happy for Pete and I is the happiest feeling in the world. (except for when Pete and I are together.) I run over to Pete and jump into his arms and start to cry, I've never felt so close to him then at this very minute. He hugs me back very passionately then starts to kiss me.

"uuuuhhm, excuse me.?" Joe says laughing

"oh, sorry." I tell Joe while all of us are laughing.

"Now that were all cool with this whats next for you guys? You telling fans?" Andy asks?

"I'm not sure. Fans will probably freak out becasue they have shipped us forever."

To be honest, I dont know how to feel about telling fans or even the public yet. If people are telling me that i was better fat than I am now, imagine how much hate there is going to be. I shouldnt care to much because I love Pete too much to care. Maybe thats a sign to tell the fans the first show we play, well we have to make new songs and gigs. Holy smokes we havent even told the fans that were back together. I know they will freak out about that!

"Holy smokes guys, we first should tell the fans that were back together!" I shout from inside of my thoughts

"Oh yeah that may help!" Joe says laughing again. Hes such a funny guy, laughing all the time.

" Okay so do you want to get our managers to annonce it or us announce it?" Pete asks politley. Hes so adorable

"I think that we should tell them because it would be more special." Andy says with a huge smile

Yeah, its a go. Were telling everyone that the band is back together. I am seriously so exited to be able to sing for all of my fans that actually care for me.

"Were gonna go home but we will be back tomorrow so we can all be together when we tell everyone." Joe says sorta franticly, Then him and Andy leave my place.

Deffidently a freaking great day.


Febuary 4, 2013

Todays the day that we tell everyone that were back and better than ever. we were officially here to save rock and roll.

" Joe and Andy should be here any minute now, I can't wait to tell everybody that were back." I say franicly pacing back and forth then Pete calms me down.

"Me too babe" He says with his sexy voice of his

We suddenly hear the door open and a voice say 

"We're back bitches!" as Joe walks into the room with any following behind.

"Are you guys ready..?" Pete says.

"Most diffidently." I said to all of the guys

We instantly get our phones out and get on twitter, the source to all our fans practically then Pete, Andy, Joe and I all type "were back to save rock and roll." Right after that we all get up and start cheering and hugs and a little kiss from Pete to me.

The next couple days we spent relaxing and just hanging out before booking shows and junk, so Pete and I had a little alone time and we spent it to good use. Not to be weird or anything but  like congrats sex, This is the first time Pete and I ever did this so it was a very new experience for him and I, it was a good feeling. Giving it up to someone you love is the best feeling in the world.

"Woah, patrick i didnt know you had that in you until now." Pete said out of breath.

"To be honest I didn't either." I say looking up to the ceiling as we were laying in my bed, his arm around me. The end of a great week, announcing the band, Pete and I, nothing could ever happen that could mess anything up now. Or at least I hope..

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