First Show ( Pete's P.O.V )

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" Wow, I didn't know you had that in you Patrick!" I say out of breath, that man has it all! Great voice, great personality and very good in bed.

" I didn't know I had it in me either." I could tell it was his first time ever having gay sex but he was really good, my first time with a guy too but it felt good to give it up to someone I love. I really love Patrick, helps me through so much and I could never thank him enough. He is my life.

 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~next day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 Febuary 7, 2013

We're about to make a gig for our first show in Chicago, where the band formed, and honestly I love that city and all the people in it! I'm so exited to finally play again, I miss that special bonding time with the guys. The feeling that I get when I'm on the stage with the guys is better than anything I can ever imagine.

" I am so exited to be back into the business guys." I say to Andy and Joe then Patrick runs into the room and starts to freak out.

"Dude whats wrong?" Joe asks Patrick and we all stare at him with worried expressions.

"I'm freaking out about singing again. What if the fans don't like our new album live and I mean, what if our fans don't even like us anymore, we've been gone for so long do they even remember us? I'm so scared."

" Babe. You don't have any reason to be scared, you are a magnificent singer, our fans love the new album and they will love it live. Just because we've been gone for 4 years doesn't mean that they will not love us as much as they did when they left. They will probably love us more too because were back. its okay Patrick! I promise ." I say then I walk up to Patrick and start to hug him.

"Whoa guys get a room." Joe tells Patrick and I as were slowly shifting into make out position right in from of Joe and Andy

" You guys hug all the time."

"Yeah but we don't make out like that." Andy chuckles while saying that comment to Patrick and I.

"Heck we aren't even a thing for goodness sake's." Joe says with a smile on his face. To be honest, they are sorta like Patrick and I before we got together. Always spending time together, alone most of the time. If they do ever get together I wouldn't be surprised.

At the moment its 1:00 in the morning and I'm surprised that Joe and Andy are still here. They usually leave around 12:00 or 12:30 but i guess since we were "working?" I'm actually really tired and Patrick looks tired also. hes so adorable, I still cant believe that I have him in my life. I bet I'm the luckiest guy ever.

"well I think I'm gonna leave because I'm very tired guys." Andy said in the middle of a yawn.

" I second that." Joe mumbles.

" Bye guys, Great to see you guys!"

Patrick and I walk upstairs to go to sleep but then all of a sudden he collapses to the ground.

"Oh My God Patrick are you okay?!" I say very concerned

" Yeah.. Its just every night around now I get a very sharp pain in my stomach and it kills."

" Well lets get you upstairs so you can lay down." I walk him upstairs to our bedroom and he just sits on the bed with a blank face, he's been acting very "Different" lately and its worrying me. If he's not any better by tomorrow night I'm taking him to the hospital. I cant stand to see him hurt.

I wonder whats going on...

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